Sunday, June 30, 2013

MoneyWalk 200: False Financial Prophets

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

There are financial advisors who truly have your best interest at heart. They teach you money management principles that will immensely bless you throughout this life and the life to come. They put God first in everything they do and teach you to put God first in all you do. They teach you to pursue the attitude of pleasing God first instead of man and doing so themselves leads them to deal with you honestly according to practices that will truly serve you best.

They don’t succumb to greed, deceit, and abuse of customers regardless of their position, status or knowledge. They remove themselves from corporate cultures that seek to un-righteously take people for all they can get or they operate within such companies in a way that is a godly example to those around them of how to care for clients in the manner that displays God’s love for their financial well-being. They don’t put themselves in a position to immorally or illegally take or misappropriate anyone’s money.

These financial advisors teach you biblical principles so you know how to measure other financial advisors who approach you about managing your money or investing. The lessons also teach you how to shop around for yourself at the different brokerage houses and financial institutions to obtain the very best products and services because they understand that if they treat people with care and concern, truth, and transparency most of the customers will eventually choose to do business with them because they have displayed integrity and trustworthiness.

Beware! There are false financial prophets (advisors) in the world that may have all the notable educational credentials, yet are motivated by greed, selfish ambition, and arrogance. Such people do not operate in your best interest. Some engage immoral and illegal trade while trying to convince you that their products virtually guarantee you astronomical annual returns while their illegal actions and investment churning eat into your investments leaving you with nothing or far less than you gave them to manage.

You avoid these types by:

1. Consistently praying to the Lord about your finances and about helping you make the right choices in every area of your life and every situation you encounter.

2. Reading the scriptures daily and internalizing what it has to say about money management and the traits of false prophets.

3. Fellowshipping weekly with the saints and finding out which ones are good stewards of the possessions God entrusts to them and asking them to give you insight into the methods they use to manage money well and why they do so.

4. Reading books and articles that educate you on how to manage your finances and that share the scams and poor financial decisions running rampant today.

5. Praying more that the Lord help you not fall to temptation in the area of greed, covetousness, envy, or striving for money, position, or anything that is outside His will for you or His saints.

When you adhere to these practices you will find that God’s wisdom to prosper is available to you in a way that keeps you away from trouble and that keeps you in a position to refuse to engage trouble and helps you grow to bless your family and many other people.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Jeremiah 28:15-17, Ezekiel 13:22-23, Luke 20:45-47, Hebrews 2:1-3, 2Peter 2:1-9

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, June 23, 2013

MoneyWalk 199: From Failure To Success

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

When you are about Father God’s business, He doesn’t count previous choices as failures, no matter how they work out, as long as they were made after seeking His counsel, not being disobedient to His counsel when He gives specific instruction, and from a heart to do His will.

All of us suffer what look like failures on our road to building greater personal, business, and ministry wealth. Many steps to success are called failures by men, but to God these setbacks and hardships are tools that strengthen us, build our endurance, and give us wisdom to make good choices down the road.

He counts them as steps in your progression that mature you to handle more responsibility in His kingdom. Yet, failure and success are often inverted by people in this life. We call some people successful when they’re really failures in the Lord’s economy and we call some people failures when they’re really successful in the Lord’s economy. The difference lies in whether or not the person, throughout his/her endeavors, assigns all the glory to God for profits, revenues, assets, services, and products and seeks to serve others in a godly manner and faithfully / consistently supports gospel ministry.

When a person fails to hold, communicate, and progressively live according to biblical principles at home, in his/her employment, and entrepreneurial endeavors the person moves from success to failure in God’s eyes, no matter how big, famous, and powerful they become in the earth or how successful men consider them to be.

Be truly successful at personal, business, and ministry endeavors by always making your priority doing God’s will, upholding His standards in your life, seeking to give Him glory in all you do, and supporting the Great Commission by evangelizing the lost and being a disciple-maker.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Deuteronomy 8:17, 1Samuel 30:8, Luke 12:16-21, Acts 7:41, James 5:1-6

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, June 16, 2013

MoneyWalk 198: Let The Holy Spirit Guide You

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

When managing your personal finances and starting, maintaining, and growing a business venture you must remember that God wants you to be blessed to receive the fullness of all that He wants for you and those you are to serve. The way you go about doing these things should be a testimony that gives glory to God, His will, and His way – a great encouragement and help to everyone He allows to cross your path so they can see that relationship with Him and adoption into His family is the most important priority in life and it is from this environment that His greatest blessings for them can flow to them.

It is the Holy Spirit’s business to impart wisdom to you through the Word of God and revelation to help you overcome and destroy every obstacle that stands in the way of fulfilling your destiny and being useful to God and other people. If you listen to and follow His leading, then you will find that your business, ministry, and profession will succeed in God’s eyes and will promote the good news of our LORD Jesus Christ and the salvation that only He can give.

You will be used mightily by the Holy Spirit to lead people to Christ when you treat people kindly, develop positive relationships, pay good employees good wages and benefits for the work they do helping you manage the portion of God’s estate entrusted to your stewardship, and live before them in every area as an example of a person sanctified by God.

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you cannot prosper living God’s way according to the Holy Spirit’s guidance confirmed by biblical principle. God’s word says you can, therefore the matter is forever settled! There is no profit in gaining the whole world yet losing your soul.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Luke 24:49, Acts 1:8, Ephesians 3:16-21, Jude 1:20-25

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, June 9, 2013

MoneyWalk 197: Be A Good Samaritan

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

When you take advantage of a person who is suffering financially you are not being a witness of God’s goodness. When someone is hurting and you fiercely push him to sell you possessions he desperately needs for pennies on the dollar, you must ask yourself whether you could have been a better witness by refusing to purchase items that are necessary for his day to day living or by providing temporary help that leads him out of the ditch.

It is a different matter when he decides, without your pressure, that he needs to sell material goods in order to be a good steward and to financially care for the higher priorities according to God’s design for life. Let the person make the decision that things of value need to be sold instead of putting any pressure on him. In this instance, you refuse to allow envy and covetousness to take root as you look at his bad financial situation. Buying his unnecessary material goods in this scenario help you maintain pure intentions and could help him obtain money to pay for products and services that are necessary.

If he only has items of value necessary for life and godliness, then it is best to act as a Good Samaritan gifting him what you can, rather than seeking to make your life more comfortable and pleasurable by taking his necessities through purchases and loans / usury interest that you are well aware he is unlikely to be able to pay all the while thinking this scenario will give cover to your evil designs to take what God has given him to steward.

No doubt you shouldn’t purchase products and services from him that are sinful in nature or that lead to sinful activities. It is not Christ-like to purchase anything that leads to the undermining of gospel preaching and teaching at home and around the world. Finally, you should not purchase anything that will take you or anyone else away from a regularity of daily bible reading, prayer, and weekly fellowship with the saints.

For example, if you know that he has a set of collectible magazines that would fetch a hefty price in the market yet contain ungodly themes and lifestyle encouragements, then you need to fore go that purchase no matter how much it seems the money could help him. Unless of course you will immediately buy, shred, and throw them away so that you and no one else will ever be negatively affected or cursed by them.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Nehemiah 5:7-12, Proverbs 16:2-5, Luke 10:25-37, 1Corinthians 8:9, James 4:17, 5:1-6

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, June 2, 2013

MoneyWalk 196: Selling With Integrity

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Most everyone must sell himself or herself in order to get a job. Some people select employment opportunities where they also sell products or services to others. Still others start entrepreneurial ventures and must sell themselves, their products, and their services to customers in order to receive income from their endeavors. Almost no one is immune from the requirement to be a salesman on some front. Therefore, it is incumbent upon you to sell yourself, products, and services in a way and for an end that pleases God and helps other people.

Some have chosen to deceive and oppress in order to sell themselves and/ or make the sale. Others have chosen to offer defective products and services to make the most money, hoping that people won’t notice or will feel it’s too hard to do anything to correct the problem and yet still buy from them. Still others have chosen to make guarantees they know they cannot live up to in order to make the bucks now, believing that everything will just work out if they can get their hands on more money and more luxuries right now.

You should not engage these wrongful attitudes and activities and no matter what your current situation you don’t have to operate in this manner in order to make a good living. If you do so, you will ultimately pay a heavy price that will result in broken relationships, loneliness from other people being unable to trust you, loss of employment and future career and business opportunities, and possibly prison sentencing resulting from criminal activity. Watch out! Most deceitful people start off small thinking they’ll never be caught but later on they are caught and must face the music and pay the piper.

You can and should operate in the utmost honesty and integrity regardless of whether you would make a bundle or live in the lap of luxury you envision. Yet opportunity to do well financially and even phenomenally beyond your wildest expectation is available to you in a way that will bless you and not curse you throughout your life when you sell yourself, products, and services in a manner that pleases God. All your needs and many of your desires will be filled and you’ll have peace, joy, and right standing with God as you operate with integrity in your dealings. If one opportunity passes you by, God will be sure to cause others to come your way which will provide all that you need and more and allow you to stay within His will and under His protective covering.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Nehemiah 5:7-12, Proverbs 16:2-5, 22:16-19, 28:18-20, 1Corinthians 8:9, James 4:17, 5:1-6

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at