There are financial advisors who truly have your best interest at heart. They teach you money management principles that will immensely bless you throughout this life and the life to come. They put God first in everything they do and teach you to put God first in all you do. They teach you to pursue the attitude of pleasing God first instead of man and doing so themselves leads them to deal with you honestly according to practices that will truly serve you best.
They don’t succumb to greed, deceit, and abuse of customers regardless of their position, status or knowledge. They remove themselves from corporate cultures that seek to un-righteously take people for all they can get or they operate within such companies in a way that is a godly example to those around them of how to care for clients in the manner that displays God’s love for their financial well-being. They don’t put themselves in a position to immorally or illegally take or misappropriate anyone’s money.
These financial advisors teach you biblical principles so you know how to measure other financial advisors who approach you about managing your money or investing. The lessons also teach you how to shop around for yourself at the different brokerage houses and financial institutions to obtain the very best products and services because they understand that if they treat people with care and concern, truth, and transparency most of the customers will eventually choose to do business with them because they have displayed integrity and trustworthiness.
Beware! There are false financial prophets (advisors) in the world that may have all the notable educational credentials, yet are motivated by greed, selfish ambition, and arrogance. Such people do not operate in your best interest. Some engage immoral and illegal trade while trying to convince you that their products virtually guarantee you astronomical annual returns while their illegal actions and investment churning eat into your investments leaving you with nothing or far less than you gave them to manage.
You avoid these types by:
1. Consistently praying to the Lord about your finances and about helping you make the right choices in every area of your life and every situation you encounter.
2. Reading the scriptures daily and internalizing what it has to say about money management and the traits of false prophets.
3. Fellowshipping weekly with the saints and finding out which ones are good stewards of the possessions God entrusts to them and asking them to give you insight into the methods they use to manage money well and why they do so.
4. Reading books and articles that educate you on how to manage your finances and that share the scams and poor financial decisions running rampant today.
5. Praying more that the Lord help you not fall to temptation in the area of greed, covetousness, envy, or striving for money, position, or anything that is outside His will for you or His saints.
When you adhere to these practices you will find that God’s wisdom to prosper is available to you in a way that keeps you away from trouble and that keeps you in a position to refuse to engage trouble and helps you grow to bless your family and many other people.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Jeremiah 28:15-17, Ezekiel 13:22-23, Luke 20:45-47, Hebrews 2:1-3, 2Peter 2:1-9
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at
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