The Lord designed His body, the church, to operate and fulfill its mandated mission using under-shepherds to lead, guide, teach, and provide spiritual protection to His flock. He is the Good Shepherd and they serve under Him in a manner that pursues His will for themselves and the flock, not their own will. If any leader be found to not serve the purposes of Christ, hold dear the things that He holds dear, and act and live in the manner in which Christ and the early apostles did, then he is not a shepherd under Christ and you should find yourself a true church to attend lead by shepherds that follow Christ and that ask only of you that you follow them as they follow Christ.
To stay in an ungodly fellowship holding that the person at the top is a leader is not saying much, for satan is a leader. Yet, we know he leads people into sin, destruction, and damnation. As a child of God you desire no communion with such rebellion. Each individual Christ follower must study the Word to understand what it directs, then ask the Holy Spirit for guidance, and thank Him for the empowerment to fulfill the instruction.
God designed and laid out instructions so that in true churches lead by true under-shepherds a portion of the corporate tithe would provide not only for needs of the church administration and carrying out its part in the gospel mission but would also provide income for those who serve as under-shepherds, giving their time to prayer and the study of God’s word so they can effectively lead, guide, teach, and spiritually protect His people that He allows to follow them.
Don’t fail to tithe because you don’t like that your shepherd’s are paid, paid a certain amount, or because you do not agree with particular projects / ministries they have undertaken. This will block the blessings and rewards God has in store for you. Rather, tithe unto God and let Him handle ministerial pay details in the manner He chooses through the people He allowed to be placed in eldership over that congregation. You should simply seek to be a tither and an abundant giver that joins with a community of believers in which you discern and see evidence that the fruit matches the type scriptures shows is produced by Christ’s body. As a result, you will reap abundantly from the seeds you have sown.
Look for a church where under-shepherds serve members in the ways that God identified as spiritual, practical, and profitable. Under-shepherds being servant leaders who disassociate with those who take advantage of other people for filthy gain works hand-in-hand with God’s desire for you to build wealth because it is improbable that you will build wealth when you allow anyone to suck up for himself every bit of money and resource you receive.
Thus, under-shepherds should always seek the best advantage for the sheep (members of the body of Christ) according to the instruction of the Word and the parameters of blessing and reward that God put His stamp on in scripture. In this way, both the under-shepherd and the sheep will be abundantly blessed. This same instruction applies when teaching people how to be good stewards to help finance ministry goals and maintenance of the Church as an organism and organization in the earth.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Numbers 18:21, John 10:7-15, Acts 4:36, 2Corinthians 9:6-8, 1Peter 5:1-4
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at