Either you’ll be ruled by what man thinks you should be and do and say or you’ll be ruled by what the Holy Spirit leads you to be and do and say. Some people have the cat by the tail believing that man-made laws, traditions, and philosophies must rule how you evangelize the unsaved and disciple believers. Some follow this prescription out of fear.
Such ungodly attitudes make them speechless about the gospel and of little use to God in their communities. Instead of affecting the world for Christ, they follow the world into ungodly passions and pursuits. The same attitudes and fears will play out in the management of your money and resources if you let them. You must resolve to do what you know God has directed by the bible and the Spirit whether men, so-called experts, or religious leaders agree with your method of pleasing God.
Satan will try to use worldly people and some misinformed people in the church to stop your ministry service. You must resolve to never let the enemy or people stop you from being who the Lord wants you to be and doing what He directs you to do no matter how much you love them or how emotional, educated, or logical their appeal seem to be.
The bible instructs you to live holy. You do this by praying His will for your life, fellowshipping with God-fearing believers, being willing to suffer for Christ’s sake, eliminating the love of money / materialism from your life, tithing and giving offerings, budgeting your income, know the state of your income and expenses, saving and investing to build wealth so that you are blessed to be the blessing the Lord wants you to be while on earth. Expeditiously adhere to these instructions so you steer clear of friendship with the world and enmity with God.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Isaiah 43:18-28, Jonah 2:8-10, John 15:14-16, Ephesians 5:8-10, James 4:4-8
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at www.Amazon.com
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