People who are in good financial shape know at all times how much money they can spend without running over their spendable assets and they refuse to purchase items that cost near that amount in order to stay in sound financial shape. They learn not to care what other people think, not to try to impress other people, and that they cannot produce long-term happiness via purchasing material things their income and assets cannot handle at the current time. They understand that long-term and eternal peace and joy come only in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and this allows them to enjoy their lives no matter what material things and experiences they may or may not have.
In order to have a healthy financial life, you must be diligent in balancing your accounts (including checkbooks). Many people aren't in good financial shape because they are not diligent at immediately recording checks written and withdrawals from their checkbook balances. Also, they do not balance their checkbook monthly. These negative habits lead to overspending and unnecessary charges for bounced checks.
You cannot truly know what you have to spend unless you know what is in your accounts and thus you will most likely overspend available money because you’ll only remember the few deposits that were put in your accounts and not the many withdrawals taken. Most checks are cashed days after they're written which means a check written at an earlier date may eat into your perceived balance leaving less actual money that you can spend. In addition, people are putting more charges on credit cards that ultimately must be paid by what is in their checking account or else they will go unpaid.
You will not recognize this dilemma and thus will get yourself into financial bondage if you are not faithful in recording deposits (including checks written) and withdrawals and make sure you don’t put on credit cards anywhere near the liquid assets you have available to be able to pay the charge in full when it is due. If you don’t balance your checkbook monthly and record entries immediately and keep watch over your accounts and spending, you won’t catch inevitable banking mistakes before they cost you added fees, money that could be used to build wealth and spread the gospel, and excruciating financial headaches.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Proverbs 21:20, Proverbs 27:23-24, Habakkuk 2:2-4, Luke 14:28-32, Luke 16:10-12
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at
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