Your true worth is determined by the fact that God made you in His image and desired that you would choose to believe in Him and have an intimate relationship with Him. He made you with freewill to live according to your true worth by accepting Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior and thus be useful to Him and the building of His kingdom on Earth. Freewill also allows you to refuse His offer, live according to the dictates of satan and your carnal mind, and thus reap the consequences thereof.
Taking periodic inventory of your beliefs and actions to see if they line up with the LORD’s biblical standards shows whether or not you are living in accordance with your true worth. Likewise, taking an inventory of your monetary assets and liabilities in order to calculate your net worth shows how well you are living the biblical standard in the financial arena of your life. This arena touches every other arena of life such as caring for family, abundantly helping spread the gospel, helping provide physical means for those serving in ministry, working, friendship relationships, health, education, properly using gifts, skills, and abilities, etc.
Your true worth is certainly not determined by the amount of your net worth, yet your personal net worth statement is one of the indicators that help identify whether or not you have laid up treasures in Heaven versus laying them up on Earth. You generally want to see your net worth grow from year to year via giving, budgeting, and debt-free living disciplines that open Heaven’s windows upon you producing an ever increasing income stream from which you save and invest more in companies that produce higher returns.
You can enter “net worth statement” in an online search engine and find sample statements and instructions. Simply put, create an Asset column to describe each individual asset you own such as a house, rental properties, stocks, bonds, and savings. Then, list the dollar market value next to it. Now create a Liabilities (Debt) column, describe each debt you owe creditors such as a home mortgage, rental property mortgages, car notes, credit cards, personal loans, etc. Then, list the full amount owed next to it. Total the dollar value of all assets and then the dollar amount of all debts. Now, subtract total debt from total assets. The result is your monetary net worth.
If your net worth is negative or small, identify whether or not this is due to you overwhelmingly investing the treasures entrusted to you in carnal things of this earthly realm that have you steeped in debt and financial trouble or whether it’s because you’ve overwhelmingly given great amounts of income and resources to ministries that spread the gospel and build the LORD’s kingdom in the hearts of men. If your net worth is large consider whether or not it’s because you’ve been idolizing money and saving and investing much of it while failing to give a proper proportion of it to help fulfill the Great Commission or whether it is because the LORD has caused you to greatly reap (prosper) as a result of regularly and consistently sowing great amounts of your income and resources into building His kingdom. The testimony behind your present net worth helps identify whether or not your net worth reflects that you live according to your true worth.
If your net worth is negative, small, or large and in either instance you have failed to be a good steward, you are not in a hopeless situation. Following God’s plan for good stewardship from this point forward including abundant giving to gospel ministry, living well within your current income, knowing the state of your income and expenses (budgeting), eliminating debt, saving, investing, and diversifying assets will bring supernatural assistance to help you live according to your true worth and properly build net worth.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Genesis 13:2-6, Job 1:1-5, 1Timothy 6:17-21, James 5:1-8
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
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