Only five to ten percent of all people are in good financial condition. This small group live content, self-controlled, and servant-minded with regard to others people’s true need for Jesus Christ. They are committed to living constructively debt-free and managing all money God entrusts to them in a way where they control expenses so they know they are continuously far less than their take home pay. They follow a simple budget so well that they have plenty of money left over throughout each year that can be applied to savings for emergencies and for big ticket items they know they will need or want in the future (special offerings, different house or car, vacation, wedding ceremony, etc.). Each year, they are also able to put at least 10% of their gross pay into a diversified portfolio of equity investments that have proven track records over ten or more years of paying high average annual interest and/or exponential growth. They are grateful with much thanksgiving for the intimacy they share with the LORD and the Church family. They are reputable in their dealings, known for paying back what is owed to others, and for being a blessing in the lives of those around them.
Many of the other ninety to ninety-five percent of people often complain about their position in life, the jobs they hold, and their relationships with spouses and/or other people. They’re up to their necks in debt, are often broke again shortly after getting paid, and continually buy more expensive houses, cars, boats, campers, cabins, and clothing above their income and asset level. They quickly replace these items with more expensive ones while paying lenders enormous amounts of down payment, closing costs, and finance charges over the term of the many loans they have outstanding. They act as if they cannot live without continually getting loans for everything they need and want.
Yet, many wonder why their lives and finances are in shambles. Some have been taught that the LORD wants to pour more money and expensive material things into their lives but requires no accountability, responsibility, and discipline from them. Of course, this could not be further from the truth. Many have simply not studied to show themselves approved as workmen that need not be ashamed because they rightly understand the Word of Truth and all its instructions on good stewardship of their lives including money entrusted to them.
Despite this predicament, help is on the way when they decide to have faith in God’s way of living. You can change your spiritual and financial situation from negative to positive when you leave the former way of doing things and begin to regularly worship the LORD by praying to Him, studying scripture, fellowshipping with Christians, using your gifts and skills in service to others, tithing, budgeting, eliminating debt, refusing to cosign, saving, investing, and diversifying. A whole new world awaits you, free of complaints about your current and future condition and full of testimonies to other people about your life full of God’s abundant peace, joy, blessing, and reward.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!
Psalms 37:3-4, Proverbs 11:24-26, Luke 12:20-21, 1Corinthians 10:23-26
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