Properly balance your life by giving a tithe and offering to God thru the Church from each paycheck you receive, by appropriately caring for your family, by eliminating debt and seeking to remain debt free, by saving, by regularly fellowshipping with believers, and by evangelizing and making disciples within your network of family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and acquaintances.
When your life is not balanced according to biblical instructions, it is ripe for Satan to destroy through your ungodly habits and activities. Lack of proper balance is seen in mindsets and actions like stinginess displayed by failing to give the Church and other ministries the portion of your income God instructs, by thinking money and material things provide what you need to truly make your life secure, by failing to devote time to gospel ministry while pursuing worldly positions and passions, by displaying materialism in spending every bit of each paycheck and borrowing even more to spend while failing to save reasonable amounts to help you stay out of financial bondage and make it through emergency and catastrophic situations that scripture says you will inevitably face.
These mentalities place you in uncomfortable positions when situations arise in which money is needed because you won’t have it available to alleviate the problems and you will likely have to suffer negative consequences due to your lack of discipline, planning, preparation, saving, and investment to help reach the destiny God has for you. However, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost and a life of financial freedom await you when you seek and walk in the balance the LORD designed for you. So be encouraged to do it God’s way even though His way often seems unusual to other people and different than the way the world teaches and wishes to conform you to.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Psalms 17:4-9, Ecclesiastes 10:1-4, Isaiah 55:10-13, Luke 12:16-21
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
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