If you want financial promotion that is pleasing to the LORD stop using investment methods, principles, and values that are not confirmed in the bible as trustworthy to prosper you, positively serve others, and please Him. Otherwise, you will be in bondage spiritually even if monetarily you have gained the whole world. Learn biblical financial principles, which work for everyone, and most importantly lead to heavenly blessings and secondarily to earthly blessings.
Educational degrees, human networks, political alliances, crime, books, magazines, and get rich quick television programs won’t bring the fulfillment you seek, nor will they produce peace and joy in your life. Unless the vast majority of people using these methods have relationship with Jesus Christ and seek guidance by the Holy Spirit with regard to good stewardship of their lives and money, our socio-economic system will result in more and more impoverished people in the face of a very small percentage that receive great benefit. God’s plan has always been that the whole nation will be blessed and receive a heavenly inheritance of His life and treasures, which is to also be experienced during our remaining time on earth for the fulfillment of His plan and our individual purposes.
This blessing and reward occurs and continues to gain momentum only when we turn to His way of living and managing our money. Everyone who chooses the opposite path, which is unbelief in the LORD Jesus and His ways, inherit the promise that one-day their riches will be given to the believer for the purpose of leading many people to Christ, discipling them, and giving Him glory eternally. Don’t spend time worrying about whether or not you will profit in your endeavors, prosper, and greatly enhance your finances and life. Instead, put away fear and walk in obedience to let the power of using biblical principles help you reach your God-desired prosperous destiny in this life.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!
Deuteronomy 8:18-20, Psalms 37:4, Matthew 6:32-33, James 4:13-17
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!
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