Sunday, December 13, 2015

MoneyWalk 320: What is Money For?

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Money is a construct whereby people agree on a medium of exchange that allows each person to derive value for the use of time, talent, and/or creative abilities. It can be different in different nations and among different cultures. In this day and time it is usually a paper based system established by a particular nation as its government sanctioned medium of exchange for its people based on the value of its resources and economic output. Each one desires all other nations around the world to consider their medium an acceptable value for trade between them.

This certainly is not an all-inclusive description of money but no one needs to know the entire description or fully understand all its uniqueness and value in order to know that it is necessary for each person to have at least an adequate amount, manage it well, use it to do much good in the world, and prepare in order to have a greater ability to successfully navigate the unknowns in the future we all face on earth. We know we need it to purchase things from other people that are needed or desired (shelter, food, clothing, transportation, etc.) and to give to others in order to help serve people beyond our individual ability in ways that we consider to be good for our nation and mankind.

The biblical based mission for your life including money is to be the best steward you can be of everything the LORD allows to come into your hands in order to give Him glory by being the best witness to unbelievers and example for believers that you can possibly be. When Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of your faith you don't want anyone to perish, rather you want everyone to recognize he/she can inherit eternal life, which requires that he/she accept Jesus Christ as Savior and LORD in order to obtain peace with Him.

The desire for greater intimacy with Him should lead you to better stewardship. This begins the process of soul renovation where you put off worldly ways you learned to do things and step by step learn to live by His standards. The Holy Spirit will lead you to tithe and give faithfully and abundantly to your local church in order to help evangelize and disciple as many people as possible to help them bypass the Great White Throne judgment against all who disbelieve. He will also instruct you to live on less than your net income, work to become debt free, and utilize investment methods within godly boundaries that help you accumulate wealth via the investment of income from your jobs, careers, businesses, and other employments. These are necessary components to help you properly utilize money in order to prosper to fulfill the mission that Christ gave the Church and you.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Deuteronomy 8:18-20, Isaiah 43:4-7, Matthew 16:15-20, 2Timothy 1:8-18

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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