Study the scriptures to learn good stewardship over money, for God has entrusted you with that responsibility. If you do not regard His authority and accountability to Him, the devil will tempt you with ungodly desires (lust of eyes, flesh, and pride) to engage unreasonable spending, borrowing, and cosigning to motivate you to squander it.
The devil and his minions do not want you abundantly blessed for giving and serving to fulfill the Great Commission. He wants to cause God great heartache by leading you and other people into a lifestyle that does not make intimacy with and salvation in Jesus the focal point. They want you to experience eternal damnation, which is their ultimate destiny. Also, they want you to experience lack of godly purpose, vision, and mission and lack of money or an insatiable desire to spend it on things that do not glorify the LORD and help other people find Him, which is everyone’s most important need.
One method the devil uses to make you ineffective in living this victory is to convince you to co-sign a debt for someone by allowing him to use your credit card to purchase merchandise and/or by pledging to pay a note if he's unable to. In most instances, you’ll have to pay out money on his behalf and ruin your credit while the borrower continues to be irresponsible and impatient in his financial dealings. When you cosign, you are exhibiting poor stewardship by allowing the devil to unnecessarily remove assets or future income from your resource pool that should be used to fund the preaching of the gospel to those who need it at home and abroad and to care for the true needs of others in a way that puts neither of you in financial bondage.
Jesus Christ paved the way for you to defeat the devil’s plan and bring abundance into your life and others. Be guided by His Spirit to employ biblical lifestyle and financial principles, including refusing to cosign for debt. His resurrection obtained eternal victory over the devil for everyone that walks in the Spirit. The question is, will you join with Christ to live by His will now and throughout eternity?
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!
Proverbs 11:15, 17:18, 20:16, Romans 13:8, Ephesians 5:15, 1Timothy 6:9-10
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!
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