Monday, November 21, 2016

MoneyWalk 367: From Debt To Poverty

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The title doesn’t sound good does it. I know you would much rather see “From Rags to Riches.” However, getting things you want via borrowed money puts your life under the heading “From Debt To Poverty.” Only when you stop living on this wealth stealing debt-laden merry-go-round will you bring into your domain godly purpose, fruitfulness, and success that comes from employing good stewardship practices confirmed in scripture for the good of man, corporately and individually. This then puts you on the pathway to experiencing firsthand the rags to riches testimony that truly glorifies the LORD and blesses you, your family, and the many others your life is meant to bring goodwill.

Every decade credit card debt increase astronomically. The average person is carrying tens of thousands of dollars in car, recreational vehicle, furniture, appliance, electronics, jewelry, and retail store debt. Also, many people are carrying hundreds of thousands of dollars in home mortgages. Amounts that also greatly increase every decade. The numbers far exceed the level that inflation alone would have had on house prices. Regardless of income and affordability, they are simply choosing to buy larger homes with far more amenities even when family sizes and sometimes paychecks are getting smaller. Many people have also been convinced by the banking system to continual tap supposed equity out of their house to purchase consumer goods that depreciate. These practices leave them with very little to draw from when problems arise that requires substantial savings and investments to resolve.

Spending borrowed money (even when it’s called home equity) to obtain consumer goods leads people to neglect giving to spread the gospel, make disciples of men, and support vital need-meeting ministry. It also leads them to neglect saving for emergencies and future growth through investing. In essence, being a debtor and continuing to take out more and more loans is a major spiritual vehicle that transports people into a life of spiritual and natural poverty no matter what they currently look like on the outside. When you have not built substantial savings and investments, all it takes for you to land in such poverty is a bout of unemployment or business sales falling off for months or years for you to lose many if not all the things you thought you owned and for you to forsake giving to the LORD’s work because you feel you must do all you can to pay the creditor you can see instead of the God who is unseen with natural eyes.

You should avoid debt like the plague it is. Do not use it as the means for obtaining consumer goods, pursuing / maintaining entrepreneurial endeavors, schooling, or anything. Thus, when trials come, as they periodically will, the things in your possession will not be subject to repossession and foreclosure because you will truly own them and you will not become bankrupt. A debt-free lifestyle, which is the LORD’s design for your life, will help you overcome worldly temptations and avoid the spiritual and natural poverty satan is step-by-step trying to lead you into in order to destroy your future and your ability to be used greatly by God.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Genesis 12:1-3, Deuteronomy 28:43-48, Proverbs 22:6-7, Romans 13:6-8, James 4:2-8

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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