No doubt you have faced temptations to obtain unnecessary loans for homes, cars, clothing, jewelry, college, and businesses. Ultimately, such loans are marketed to provide you with money to purchase things you desire and to provide financial institutions with a lucrative profit throughout the course of the loan. Ordering life according to loans drains current income and your ability to build future wealth.
The average and medium indebted of our country’s citizens in every category increases dramatically every decade. It buries most people throughout the course of their lives because they did not understand the risk inherent in borrowing and often the thing for which they borrowed the money (many times too much money) did not work out quite the way they envisioned.
It is best to lean on loving family and friends who can gift you cash and resources until you save enough to take care of emergencies without having to lean on them, to purchase the things you desire for cash, and to educate yourself to start the process of turning a portion of the cash you earn into great wealth over the long haul. As a giving believer, the LORD will take care of all your need according to His riches in glory and make all grace abound to you so you have all sufficiency in all things. When you start and continue avoiding debt, you will actually live better with greater peace, joy, and faith than your heavily indebted peers, who seem to have all the trappings, even when your natural eyes in the beginning of the process falsely tell you that you are not.
The most important thing you can do is be responsible enough to pursue gainful employment, give reasonably to support gospel ministry, and give family and friends an agreed upon amount toward rent, food, and other services they provide to help you pursue the plan necessary to gain financial freedom and independence. Such appreciation in accordance with your income and a prudent budget motivates them to help you for as long as you need. It also makes room for their help later if you need to re-group for a short period if your first move to independence does not work out as well as you thought it would.
Many scriptures warn us to stay far away from debt because it puts us in bondage to creditors. Though scripture identifies that debt may be obtained by those in poverty who need to house and feed their families, we should always trust God enough to know He placed His power in us to help us avoid and eliminate debt so we can to the greatest degree possible fulfill our purpose and destiny.
Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!
2Kings 4:2-6, Proverbs 22:6-7, Romans 13:8, 1Timothy 6:17-19
Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!
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