Scripture says the LORD created everything and owns all of it! However, He gave man dominion over all that He made with the instruction to use it to do His will so that man would be fruitful in everything he put his heart, mind, and hands into. Truly, everywhere any person that trusts Him goes is holy ground and everything at which he works, in accordance with His will, would prosper.
Whether you’re rich or poor, make Christ the first person you desire to honor when you receive income and assets of any kind. Many people have accepted the notion that if they call themselves Christians and thus accept themselves as saved / born again then Jesus is automatically LORD of their lives. Yet, they willfully withhold abundant, proportionate giving from the Church / Christ’s body but do not fail to spend on themselves, to get their material desires, approximately 100% of income and assets above what must be spent on basic needs (a minimal level of rent, food, and clothing).
If He is truly LORD of your life, then His lordship must include money you receive. Otherwise, you live like immoral ungodly people around you caring nothing about the purpose for which you were created: to worship Him with all your life and activities, to evangelize unbelievers so they may come to know Jesus Christ, and to make disciples of other people in order to encourage and motivate them to draw ever closer to Him.
Though unbelievers may do many good-natured things during their time on earth, the LORD on Judgment Day will not impressed with their riches, poverty, assets, titles, or societal status. Nor is He impressed with those things he also allows Christian to attain. His most wise status, divine will, and almighty power set the parameters for acceptable human attitudes and activities and consequences for non-compliance even though He gave us free-will. He will make sure a person receives the eternal damnation he / she chooses when he / she fails to trust Jesus Christ as Savior before death. He also allows a person to suffer the needless shame he / she bears during life on earth and sometimes into eternity when he / she refuses to align their actions with His known will per scripture. Of course, His desire and death on the cross, resurrection, and life-giving bible seek to help us avoid these consequences by drawing close to Him and the love He poured out for us to redeem us from wrath.
He hurts when you do not use an abundant portion of money entrusted to you to spread the name of Jesus Christ to other people and disciple them so they can know how to, using their free-will, have a heart changing relationship with Him that will cause them to be pleasing to Him and be fruitful to the utmost by faithfully and consistently serving according to His will in their home, Church, neighborhood, workplace, and marketplace.
Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!
Proverbs 16:8, Mark 10:17-25, Luke 12:16-21, Acts 4:33-35, 1Timothy 6:17-19
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