Many times you wonder whether or not you will get results if you follow the people who suggest they know success principles. The type of success you are aiming for should show itself in the life of the author and people who for several years faithfully adhere to the principles. In many instances, success will show little by little until a few years down the road the person is in a position far better than most people in society around him and you can tell he / she has maintained and matured in positive upright character along the way.
There are many times where the only thing you get is empty promises from authors and so-called teachers who exploit for money your desire to prosper. There are others who use this desire to send you down questionable and illegal paths where you might become a well-known face of American Greed. And of course there are a few who have tapped into a real vein of prosperity that helps the faithful prosper in a way that maintains integrity, honesty, and goodwill for others.
You should want to be in the latter situation and avoid the other two scenarios. Often these authors, whether they know it or not, have captured and relay to other people the essence of biblical principles. God’s word is the only source guaranteed to prosper you immensely in the manner that He desires for you on Earth and in eternity. That is why no matter the teacher you should make it a point to compare a person’s teaching with biblical principles to see if they align and only utilize those steps, points, etc. that indeed align with the Word.
We have been debt-free for almost two decades, have been tithers and abundant givers for well over two decades, and have prospered immensely when compared to the place we started. We looked to no man to point the way to us on how to live. We look solely to the LORD and trusted several of his pastors and teachers who shared truths that aligned with the Word and what the LORD had been showing us. We were not looking to be wealthy. We only wanted to be pleasing to Him and good stewards of His manifold blessings. He has done far better in our lives than what we thought and asked. We are so grateful for His mercy, because we know we deserve nothing, and also grateful for His grace, because Daddy God loves His people so much He bestows upon us the choice to be saved, inherit eternal life, and obtain far more than we could ever deserve.
He has helped us to lead others down this same path. You too can have this kind of future and greater. The sooner you become intimate with the LORD and start employing His principles the sooner godly success will permeate your life to allow blessing and rewards to overflow and positively impact the lives of other people.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!
Matthew 6:33, Mark 16:15-19, Luke 6:38, Romans 13:8, 2 Corinthians 9:5-7
Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!
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