When an individual or the majority of any nation’s citizens put their trust in the LORD and pursue intimacy with Him they will never be bankrupt. They will be inspired and led by Him to engage the perfect law of liberty to be able to follow His commands and principles that lead to abundant life in every venue. They will be immensely blessed and rewarded for every initiative they undertake to show love for the LORD and other people.
Because no one is perfect, we all can get better and do better in various areas of our lives to usher in greater blessing and reward He has in mind for each of us. When we start to fail as individuals or a nation, if we are to return to the intended pathway, we must consider whether or not we are engaging His initiatives His way according to His standards. For example, carrying the ark on pull cart was not in accordance with His standard and ended up with one of King David’s faithful servants killed even though he was trying to do a good thing by catching the ark of the covenant when it was sliding off the cart. The failure encountered would have been avoided by following the LORD’s already spoken and affirmed standard of having priests (prepared for this service) carry the ark by its poles.
He is not obligated to provide when we do things our way, though at times He may. Often, if we do not recognize the error of our way, we will be fooled into thinking it is right based on the blessing or reward that falsely presents itself as evidence we were right. These things can then become a harm to us later down the road. The best way to avoid this in every area of life including business and personal finances is not to be fearful of making wrong decisions, rather to be mindful of submitting your life and all decisions to Him and talking with and listening for His voice and instruction from the beginning through the end of each day and being willing to make course corrections whenever He speaks such change to you.
There are certain disciplines the bible encourages that you definitely should engage: (1) tithe and be an abundant giver, (2) know the state of your income and assets, (3) stay away from debt as the means of financing and getting what you want, (4) saving and investing and diversification to help build greater wealth for the family and the kingdom. These things put you in position to be greatly blessed and rewarded to help you better fulfill the plan of God for your life.
One can never say the LORD has not or will not allow someone to come into high income or great wealth who does not do these things or who has not claimed Christ as Savior, but the Word certainly speaks of eternal and earthly blessing for those who engage the above noted disciplines according to His will. When looking out on the masses and seeing the majority suffer through poor personal financial situations, deteriorating family relationships, and spiritual affliction no matter their level of income and assets, it makes you realize His way of being and doing is always better than anything anyone else could ever come up with.
Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!
Job 22:21-28, Proverbs 18:20-21, Matthew 6:33, 1Corinthians 15:58, Hebrews 13:15, 2Peter 1:3-11
Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!
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