Saturday, October 7, 2017

MoneyWalk 411 Properly Handling Crises

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Y2K was the acronym given to the scary scenario of computer shutdowns, meltdowns, massive loss of information, and power outages some experts predicted would greatly disrupt business and personal lives upon reaching the year 2000. The possibility that peoples’ lives could have been seriously disrupted and hampered was based on the erroneous assumption that many computer programs contained only two digits of computer code in fields pertaining to each year. To some a shutdown of all systems seemed inevitable when the clock struck 12am January 1, 2000 because computers chips had fields for only the last two numbers of the century and would not recognize the beginning of a century other than 1900.

The apocalypse that was supposed to come would render people powerless and unable to take care of ourselves and business because we had become too dependent on computers for most everything. Nothing was supposed to power up, massive computer systems for big corporations would go off line and need to be replaced by a system forward thinking enough to grasp 2000. Equipment could stop delivering electricity, gas and water. Banks, ATM’s, and stores would shut down leaving the nation and indeed the world in an indefinite quandary. This problem was supposed to negatively affect our pocket books and business coffers due to the huge expenses everyone would incur for years trying to fix the problems Y2K would cause.

In a 1998 article, I identified that the Y2k problem would not last and that at all times in human history people could conquer negative effects of emergencies, catastrophes, and crises and have their needs met by managing their everyday lives and finances in line with biblical principles. You will be faced with trying situations, seasons, and crises at times during your life, so you must consider principles for blessing and reward underlying the stories of Joseph in Egypt, Babylon conquering Israel, and the early church persecution described in the book of Acts.

Five important lessons gleaned from these stories are: 1) God gives advance warning that we will experience such seasons in life; 2) Even though you don’t know the extent of damage that may arise, plan for overcoming such seasons by reducing unnecessary spending and by saving and building a network of helpful resources; 3) Find several reliable and wise Christian leaders / experts to find methods to weather the storm by avoiding fear, making good decisions, and living in victory; 4) After prayer and thoughtful consideration take prudent action while obeying any specific instructions the Holy Spirit gives; 5) Worship, learn, and fellowship with other saints in a local Church on at least a weekly basis because our togetherness, joint effort, combined monetary and other resources will help you have victory over crises and provide a greater opportunity to share the gospel with others, draw them to Jesus Christ, and help meet their need during times of adversity.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Genesis 41, 2Kings 20:16-19, Psalms 68:6, Matthew 28:20, Acts 4:12,32-37, Hebrews 10:24-25

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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