Monday, April 2, 2018

MoneyWalk 436 Patience And Sound Judgment Produce Rewards

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

It seems like it would be great if we could get all the things we want instantly. However, hastening to fulfill desires digs a ditch of future problems that is not easy to get out of. That is why the scripture shows when you love money or hasten to be rich you will stab yourself with many sorrows. You bring pain upon yourself that you wouldn’t have otherwise had to face and become spiritually bankrupt and forsake eternity with a loving God. Many also experience earthly poverty due to constant get-rich-quick-schemes. The rewards the LORD has for you requires good planning that incorporates patience and sound judgment based upon principles found in the bible as guided by the Holy Spirit.

Having patience doesn’t by any means suggest that you will never have many of the things you desire. However, scripture points out a principled process create opportunities for things truly desirable to be obtained because first and foremost you will give your time, attention, and whole life to your Father God through an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Then, you will seek to do His will by serving His causes via engaging evangelization of the unsaved and disciple-making of the saved: till we all come to the knowledge of the Son of God and are knit in unity by His will.

Your Father also desires that you use sound judgment by learning His ways through worshipping Him via reading / studying scripture, praising, and praying. This will create greater personal knowledge from which understanding will develop and from which wise actions will flow. Sound judgment is inevitable when you fill yourself with the Word of God and spend intimate time with Him. Of course, this increases throughout your life as your intensity in these arenas increase.

A result of the combination of these characteristics of patience and sound judgment in your lifestyle will be contentment in the place you are now in with a recognition that God is working out future plateaus for you that are exceedingly and abundantly above what you can currently think or ask. You will recognize that if nothing more ever happened for you materially on earth you would still love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and would love all your neighbors (fellow human beings) as yourself as shown by your continual abundant praise to God and service to men.

Planning is a process that you use after envisioning a future reward you’d like to obtain. It shows that the vision is important to you. After all, thinking about rewards you want does not suddenly make them appear. Planning requires writing what you hope to accomplish through serving others, a description of skills and tools needed, the marketplace of people you will approach to help your vision become reality, the orderly steps you believe are needed, and an estimated timetable for particular accomplishments and attainments along the way.

Ask the LORD to give you vision, desires, and plans to ensure your motives remain spiritually pure during the planning, action, receiving, harvesting, and utilization stages. Then, follow His guidance. He will enable you to use the limited knowledge and ability you have in the best possible manner and add supernatural power to achieve things most important to Him and you. Never allow people’s opinions to turn you from His principles. Then, you can rest assured your life achievement will turn out to be beyond your wildest dream and be more eternally and earthly fulfilling than anything else you could ever experience.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Proverbs 23:4-5, 28:20, Luke 14:28-32, Ephesians 5:15-17, 1Timothy 6:10, Hebrews 10:35-36

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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