Sunday, July 8, 2018

MoneyWalk 449 Do Not Covet Anyone Else’s Stuff

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

I used to wonder what was meant by “the love of money is the root of ALL evil.” It appeared in conflict with logic. I could understand not to love money because this attitude could be the start to a downward spiral spiritually and maybe financially. I understood I was to make the pursuit of God’s will for my live my utmost desire and goal and forsake any mindset that could cause me to make earning income and amassing assets more important than devotion to my LORD and service to His people. However, I wondered what loving money has to do with committing fornication, adultery, and any sin other than those related to finances.

“ALL” stumped me for a long time until I heard a message about satan utilizing covetousness as the temptation to encourage Adam & Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. Coveting can be defined as “wanting somebody else’s stuff.” That sly serpent used clever words to entice them into eating the forbidden fruit, however covetousness was the temptation they allowed to enter their hearts that plunged mankind into sin and destructive beliefs and lifestyles. They were convinced the LORD was hiding knowledge and power from them and they could indeed have it by eating of the “Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”

Satan convinced them they could be omniscient as though this quality is not inherently the LORD and reserved for Him only. They were duped into believing the tree’s fruit would provide this attribute and thus a greater position and power. They wanted something only God Almighty can possess. He only is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent and only He can ever have these attributes. The most we can have is close fellowship with Him, a seat with Christ Jesus in heavenly places, and fruitfulness and immense blessing by righteously managing His possessions and representing His light while on earth.

Satan tricked them with the same temptation (covetousness) that caused Him to be thrown out of Heaven to the earth like a bolt of lightning because he said he would ascend to the throne of the LORD almighty and caused a rebellion of other angels against Him. He still covets the LORD’s position and until Judgment Day also works to cause man to rebel.

The love of money is a root of covetousness that we are commanded to avoid. Want and declare all the LORD wants for you, but never want more than He wants for you. When you love money (or are covetous) you desire to obtain it, hold on to it, and/or spend it primarily for your own earthly pleasures more than you desire to use a lion’s share of it to please God and continue His eternal work in the earth to continually lift Him up and draw other people to Him. This shows up most often in people’s failure to recognize God as their LORD. It shows up most often as people’s failure to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Savior, weekly fellowship with Him and His Church, and regularly give abundantly to help the Church spread the gospel message throughout the earth.

When you’re too busy to honor and glorify God in the manner He instructed you’re making your utmost priority the pursuit of all the material things you believe are of importance (which the love of money represents) such as riches, fame, power, position, and other stuff. You are acting as though you sit upon the Throne with the ability to provide for yourself and dictate how your life should be lived. This shows you love money more than you love God and more than you love your fellow man. You’re headed for eternal destruction and many times hardship on earth when you covet anything other than a relationship with the LORD and daily fellowship with Him.

Work, career aspirations, business endeavors, wealth building, caring for family, sports, and any other pursuit is not an excuse He will accept as a reason for not honoring Him while coveting His treasures to take care of that which you think is important. He provides access to His manifold treasures, but desires that they flow into your life as a benefit to you and others as a result of intimate fellowship with Him and obedience to biblical instruction. His Word is clear, “He withholds no good thing from those who walk upright before Him.” Let His will, not your own, guide you to walk out love, work, career, business, wealth building, and ministry and you will truly be fruitful & prosperous and will not be a destructive & cursed root attached to the trunk line of covetousness.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Genesis 3, Exodus 20:17, Psalm 24, Matthew 6:19-21, 1Timothy 6:10, Revelations 4:11

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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