Sunday, October 21, 2018

MoneyWalk 459 It Is Most Profitable To Work Unto The LORD

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Making success on your job or entrepreneurial venture your number one priority is a means satan uses try and draw you away from Christian fundamentals. He will say you should not mix business with witnessing and disciple-making. He never wants you to speak about your trust in the LORD and how He’s making you better by guiding you to the purpose for which He created you.

Rightfully, your supervisors should expect you will spend your working time making the widgets and providing service you have been hired to do. The LORD commands you to work as unto Him which includes doing the best you can to please your employer and help make it profitable. Often, you can please the LORD and your employer by allowing the Holy Spirit to guide your life and work. He provides lunch and break time opportunities to communicate the gospel with those who may ask about your life or share circumstances in their lives where your experiences may be helpful to them. This will be a great witness and discipleship tool to others in your workplace.

Being a Christian does not mean you will do everything right or be liked by co-workers, supervisors, or other delegated authorities. There will be times when others oppose you and disagree with your view. Just remember, Jesus Christ is your perfection. Seek His wisdom, be teachable, and flexible when other people’s views and methods do not oppose His will and way. Sometimes, others will help you find a character flaw or work defect you can correct to become a better example to others.

When work habits are disliked and there is nothing you can change within moral boundaries to please your supervisor, then just continue to work as unto the LORD while believing and praying He will help him/her see you are doing your best and that your methods are profitable for the organization. He always has your back by carrying burdens too heavy for you.

Eventually, even the toughest critics will be able to see your spiritual growth shown by increasing honesty, integrity, and faithfulness to complete your work well and more respect for others. They will also see you take accountability, repent for misdeeds, correct actions when necessary, refuse to compromise godly morals, and are willing to suffer persecution to let them know about Christ who can fill the gaping hole in their lives. This lifestyle definitely helps other people see their need for Jesus Christ and be drawn to Him. As a result, you will be fruitful, blessed, rewarded, and truly profitable in all your endeavors.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Romans 13:1-8, Ephesians 6:5-9, Colossians 3:22-25, 4:1, 1Peter 2:12-20

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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