Saturday, January 5, 2019

MoneyWalk 464b God Blesses Entrepreneurial Endeavors

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Unfortunately, some people on both sides of the employment ledger (business-owner / CEO and employee / worker bee) do not realize the unique place in which God positioned the other. This sometimes causes them to have a respecter-of-persons attitude that distrusts, belittles, and considers those at the other end of the spectrum unworthy of God’s greater blessing and reward.

You can be delivered from this type of attitude by understanding that each work role is vital and honorable before God and is to be performed as unto the Lord. You should overcome haughty and high-minded mentalities by understanding that entrepreneur often go through years of training as employees before being able start businesses. They should desire respect from other people and display the same respect to others no matter what their employment positions and titles.

Do not mistreat and put down people who work for you or with you. Rather, treat them with the utmost respect and ensure your advisory board establishes workplace rules, safety procedures, employee compensation, and benefits packages in accordance with the scriptural command to love your neighbors like you love yourself.

If you truly want to be fulfilled and know that God is pleased with your endeavors, make sure that the type of work is not immoral or illegal. Also, make a habit of frequently announcing to yourself, and others when necessary, that God is the true owner of the business and you are the manager of His affairs for this endeavor. In addition, frequently invite Him to speak to you and your board of advisors about the vision, goals, organization, workflow, and witty ideas and ways to fulfill the calling He has given you via the entrepreneurial endeavor.

Many of the same practices that make for successful stewardship of personal finances also make for successful stewardship of entrepreneurial endeavors. For example, planning and budgeting income and expenses, eliminating debt, working to operate on a debt-free basis, refusing to cosign, maintaining greater than necessary cash flow, establishing $10,000+ emergency fund, saving, investing, and diversify investments and asset. Using these tools as part of the spiritual moral foundation outlined above will greatly prosper your endeavors.

The LORD is the only one able to keep you from falling and point you in the right direction concerning business needs and pursuits. He will strengthen you to overcome the trials, obstacles, and hardships that you will face in this arena. Ultimately, He will let you know or let situations tell you when, for how long, and for what purpose you are to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors. For some this lasts a lifetime and spans many generations and for others it may be a much shorter time period. Trust Him as your guide and He will make sure you reach the fruitful & profitable finish line He destined for you!

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Psalm 90:17, 128:1-2, Proverbs 12:11, Acts 20:24, James 2:26, 5:1-6

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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