Sunday, January 26, 2020

MoneyWalk 34 The Right Attitude For Stewardship

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The bible shows that every person should follow processes based on practical principles performed with the right motive, purpose, and reverence for the LORD that make him/her fruitful and cause multiplication of things in life He entrusts to him/her, including finances. This allows him / her to produce wealth for Kingdom purposes (including caring for oneself and family), which is a good thing that should be welcomed by all believers.

Surely, there are some very rich and wealthy Christians who love God as much as the poor and middle class love Him. The fact that they often live in more expensive earthly housing, cars, and such is no reason for anyone to demean their contribution to society in providing pathways to employment and greater income earning opportunities. In every generation God has had very rich men and women who loved Him and were intent on fulfilling His will in life, including entrepreneurship, employment, and relationships (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Josiah, well-to-do Shunammite woman, Esther, Joseph of Arimathea, Lydia, Tabitha (Dorcas), etc.). In each of their time periods there were poor people who struggled, yet the bible does not command rich people as a whole to forsake wealth building. Rather, it instructs them to be generous and create opportunities, like gleaning fields, that the poor can utilize as pathways to provide for immediate needs and learn skills that help them build future prosperity.

Those who are rich on this Earth should never lose empathy for the plight of the poor and should at all times use a great measure of their wealth to help lift them out of poverty. However, they should never feel ashamed, sinful, unrighteous, unholy, or out of God's will for having been used by God to build wealth when they do it in a way that pleases Him (according to biblical principles with guidance from the Holy Spirit). In this regard, everyone should be humble, meek, and attentive to His voice in every decision we make. In the same way, those currently poor or middle-income are also greatly loved by God and should not feel ashamed as long as they also listen to the Holy Spirit and seek to move forward in good stewardship that orders their lives and activities, including finances, in ways the bible describes as fruitful.

Those who build great businesses employ the bulk of people around the world. They serve best by living in that spiritual calling using skills, abilities, and assets to help as many people as possible be fruitful for the benefit of the Kingdom of God, their families, and neighbors. No one pleases the LORD when they mistreat others, operate in selfishness, or make money and possessions their idols (the love of their lives). Everyone should seek His instruction and guidance, so all of life, including finance, is used to help everyone around them be fruitful, take dominion over the Earth, and multiply.

Please pray for this ministry, email me with any questions, and contact me to speak at your business or ministry conference or workshop. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Proverbs 11:14, Ecclesiastes 11:2, Matthew 25:14, Luke 19:13

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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