Monday, March 16, 2020

MoneyWalk 41 Trust The LORD To Cover Risk

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Only the LORD can truly help your family recover from incidents, emergencies, and catastrophes. Yet, it’s prudent to consider insurance a portion of your plan to cover future risk in various areas of your life because He always empowers each person and gives you a part to play in carrying out His will on earth to produce fruit that blesses and rewards your efforts.

One area you need to consider is insurance against loss greater than the ability of your estate (assets and cash flow) to handle if you were to die leaving dependents behind, or have an accident that destroys your ability to earn income to care for yourself and dependents, or sustain huge damage to property needed or desired such as homes or cars. If you have enough wealth to self-insure the risk or a portion thereof then you will not need insurance but could buy it if it is more cost effective to pay a small annual premium while you continue to invest your assets for much greater future growth.

You may be required by law or loan contract to purchase home and auto insurance. Choosing less coverage or higher deductibles at discounted premium could be best regardless of the type of coverage (liability, health, disability, long-term care, etc.). This means you self-insure more of the loss in each of these situations. Insurance premiums usually vary a lot from one insurer to another. So, it is always good to shop around with five or more insurers to find one that has coverage options, along with a history of good customer service, you need at the lowest possible price.

If you have saved enough money to provide your dependents an annual income that equals or exceeds your current income, you may not need to purchase insurance not required by law or creditors. Yet, you should purchase the types needed when your family would experience a financial crisis or liquidity problems due to lack of assets and income from which to continue the family’s current lifestyle. No one can know their exact loss exposure until an incident occurs, however there are people and professionals who can help you (a) derive good estimates, (b) identify whether your wealth would be able to totally or partially self-insure risk of loss, and (c) select levels of coverage and deductibles on each type of insurance you need in ways that protect your family and fit your financial situation.

Insurance purchases are always based on a loss cost estimate in case of mishap and thus benefits you choose may not cover all you need when incidents, emergencies, or catastrophes occur. Thus, after having done all you can to reasonably prepare for the future by seeking His guidance and consulting with godly counselors, put your total trust in the LORD and take reasonable action to help safeguard you and your family against possible loss. He will cause all things to work together for good for everyone who loves Him, who is called according to His purpose!

Please pray for this ministry, email me with any questions, and contact me to speak at your business or ministry conference or workshop. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Psalms 124, 127:1-2, Matthew 6:30-34, Philippians 4:6-7, James 2:17

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