Sunday, November 8, 2020

MoneyWalk 74 Don’t Let Mammon Deceive You


This program will help you undo financial bondage.

When obtaining money is their highest aim, people do foolish things like engage legal yet immoral acts, pursue illicit relationships, and/or fail to provide for and spend quality time with spouse and children. Some do anything to obtain prestige among movers and shakers in the corporate, entertainment, and political arenas. In order to get things the LORD did not design for their lives, others commit fraud, murder, robbery, prostitution, drug deals, and other criminal acts. Mammon (the spirit who constantly encourages people to love money, make it the #1 priority, and mismanage it) wants you to believe that looking successful and wealthy to the world is of utmost importance and will help you obtain all you could ever hope for. Never be deceived by this tactic because scriptures show righteousness, peace, joy, hope, and true wealth can only be gained via an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, which leads you to do things in accordance with His will and instructions.

When getting rich is the most important thing to your heart and mind, there’s usually a temptation to become haughty toward other people, considering them less because you think their level of income or wealth shows they aren’t ambitious. Some people pursue titles, positions, and material things in order to showcase their riches or fool people into thinking they are rich.  When people honor them, some don't immediately give glory to God. They fail to recognize that God's favor and placement of many other intelligent and resourceful people in their lives played the major role in the earthly wealth bestowed upon them. Their strength, intellect, and work effort played a much smaller role than they realize.

Don't let mammon snare you in arrogant attitude and behavior traps, because the end never justifies immoral means. When your methods are ungodly, the big payday and extravagant lifestyle you seek turn into devastating problems with negative consequences, even when you look good on the outside with lots of money, material things, and prestige. Jesus said, “the abundant life does not consist of material things one obtains.” Therefore, store treasures in Heaven that cannot be corrupted or taken from you. This is done while on Earth by being a good steward of the LORD’s manifold blessings bestowed on you. Stay in prayer-mode, humble, and obedient to biblical instruction, responsibly caring for your family and giving abundantly to spread the gospel and make disciples. This snuffs out mammon’s influence and empowers you to employ biblical principles and related methods, processes, and tools that lead to the Wealthy Place prepared for you.

Please pray for this ministry, email me with any questions, and contact me to speak at your business or ministry conference or workshop. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Matthew 6:24, Luke 12:13-21, 1Timothy 6:6-12, Revelation 3:16-18

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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