Sunday, March 20, 2022

MoneyWalk 144 The Right Spirit

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The Lord does not want people broke, busted, and disgusted. He desires to reward them according to His riches in glory so they have everything they and the church need to show others His glory, lead many into the Kingdom, and teach them to obey His commands while they mature as disciples.

Showing people expensive houses, cars, clothing, and jewelry does not equate to showing His glory. Putting an emphasis on being enabled to obtain expensive material things as a reason why others should get saved or cherish salvation takes away from the gospel message that Jesus Christ is the prize. Now to be sure, one will not dishonor Him by having such things when one is not in financial bondage and properly handles his / her calling and assignments.

Employ good stewardship on the spiritual side of things via worship, thanksgiving, praise, prayer, bible-based declarations, bible study, fellowship with the saints, and service to others. Also, recognize there are natural actions that should accompany the financial aspect of good stewardship, like tithing, offering, keeping your expenses well below your income, saving money, eliminating debt, refusing surety, investing, and diversifying assets.

Many become rich while not aiming for that goal, because they engage these practices. This is often a natural progression of good financial stewardship. They don’t need to be expert investors or take unreasonable risk. They simply need to be consistent in these practices that allow supernatural increase to flow in their lives, increasing discretionary cash flow, a portion of which will be invested on a long-term basis in arenas with great track records of producing great growth. No-load low-expense index mutual funds fit the bill (i.e., S&P 500, total stock market, real estate, etc.). Exponential growth will propel you to the wealthy place.

While this process is not rocket science, most people never experience such wealth because they never engage good stewardship that allows them funds to invest. Don’t let poor habits or fear be detrimental to your financial well-being. Engage these practices to help you build wealth that serves the Kingdom of God, you, your family, and others throughout and beyond your years on earth.

Hebrews 7:8, Luke 14:28-30, Proverbs 22:6-7, Ecclesiastes 11:2, Romans 13:8

Please pray for this ministry and email questions to and share the links below with others who need guidance. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Share weekly with family and friends so these bondage-breaking articles and other financial information can help them gain helpful insight!

The book at the link below provides principles and practical steps that help you use the Power To Get Wealth. By 1992, we had $135,000 of debt and a negative $35,000 net worth. Financial bondage and turmoil led me to seek principles and a process for employing good stewardship. As a result, we became constructively debt-free in 1998, mortgage free January 2004, millionaires in 2012, multi-millionaires shortly thereafter, and retired in 2018 in my mid-fifties from public servant jobs while giving abundantly to fund the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ. The same power is available to you!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

You can also connect with Randy Parlor on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, Google Blogger, WordPress, Jesus Social Network, Social Cross, Pinterest, Tumbler, and You Tube.


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