Monday, June 10, 2024

The King's Group of Business Owners and Managers Monthly Meeting on Saturday 6-15-24 at 9am

The King's Group of Business Owners and Managers Monthly Meeting

Saturday 6-15-24 at 9am

Mount Hope Church

202 S. Creyts Rd. 

Lansing, MI 48917

Enter the Fireside Room at the north-side Spyn// entrance on Michigan Ave

Anthony Latunski will speak on the topic "The Top 10 Skills to Grow Your Sales." 

Every business needs revenue, whether you're a one-person business or a multi-million dollar enterprise. You need to know how to keep the funds coming. Business livelihood and growth comes from the ability to increase sales year after year. When your business prospers you can give more back to the Lord and community and support your family and your employees' families. In this presentation, Anthony will share ways you can increase the effectiveness of your sales efforts and grow (via skills, techniques, and technology).

Anthony has been in outside sales since graduating in 1999 with a marketing degree from Central Michigan University. During his career, He's worked as a consultant in personal branding, advertising, and IT. 

We fellowship and network with one another during the first half hour and the last half hour of the meeting. @everyone

Refreshments will be served. You do not have to register to attend, but doing so helps our planning:

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