Sunday, January 2, 2011

MoneyWalk 81: Preparing for crisis in your life

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

You have probably heard the acronym Y2K. It was used to describe the scenario that many people thought would cripple the world in the year 2000 and bring about a catastrophe in world economic markets, recordkeeping arenas, etc. based on their expectation that the failure of computer programming would cause computer systems to fail.

Their belief stemmed from the fact that they computer programmers allowed only two digits of computer code in the field that allows computers to capture the current year and that this field would not recognize two zeros as a legitimate year. These two digits were to be the last two numbers of the current year within a century. This supposed failure of programming would make the situation very uncertain as to what would happen when the clock struck 12 AM to begin the year 2000 or when people would try to power up anything that ran by means of a computer operating system that used a date field on or after that time.

Everything from massive computer systems at big corporations to microwaves and TV’s were supposed to be negatively affected because the computerized operating systems wouldn't recognize the beginning of the new century. This prediction did not come to pass, yet it was a real enough belief and threat that many people planned what they would do in case it were to happen. And so they should have. A very good principle to live by is to prepare for rainy days because you know they will come at various periods throughout your life.

The fact that you don’t know when rainy days will come shouldn’t lead you to overlook the fact that they will come and do what is physically and monetarily reasonable to help you get through the rainy day with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit. In this way, the Lord can help you conquer any negative effects of such crises because you planned as best you could how you would handle such situations according to scriptural principles.

When planning for such rainy days you should consider the story of Joseph in Egypt in the book of Genesis and how the early church handled crises, persecution, and needs of the body of Christ in the book of Acts. Then obey God's instructions to regularly fellowship with other believers and be a good steward of the money and resources He entrusts to you. Your relationship with God, obedience to biblical principles, and our unity as the body of Christ is the safe haven we each need. It is also a great opportunity to share the gospel with others through our example and our words.

Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Genesis 41, Psalms 68:6, Matthew 28:20, Acts 4:12, 32-37, Hebrews 10:25

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

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