Sunday, March 25, 2012

MoneyWalk 138: You Can Build Wealth Starting With Any Amount of Income

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Don't let satan deceive you into thinking that you cannot manage your current lifestyle and income to build wealth just because you are currently receiving government assistance, have minimum wage income, or a lot of bills. No matter what your income it will be managed one way or another: either poorly or successfully.

So, do yourself a favor and save yourself from anguish by committing to manage money successfully in a way that glorifies God’s and helps bring His will to pass in your life and the lives of others He has called you to minister to. The only way to successfully manage money is to follow biblical instruction.

Pray and ASK God to show you in the bible what you should focus on with regard to giving, saving, and spending. Then, SEEK to do it by writing on paper or computer the long-term vision (plan) and short and mid-term steps (budget) you will engage. Then, KNOCK on the door by following the budget, so that you can fulfill the vision to which God has called you. Budget sheets, software, and instructions are available from many different sources to help you employ this principle.

Each item on the budget is a goal that directs how you allocate your dollars to help you fulfill the vision. Contrary to popular opinion, written budgets glorify God because His word shows that His people write the vision down plainly so they can read it and do what’s necessary to employ it. Also, scripture instructs a man to count the cost prior to trying to build anything. In addition, Proverbs tells people to know the state of their assets, income, and expenses so that they are able to build wealth and so it can endure from generation to generation.

A wise man will save a portion of the income that God has entrusted to him while a foolish man spends all that he gets. Also, a wise man tithes and offers to God knowing that he will not miss anything because God will provide all his need in accordance with His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. While a foolish man fails to give believing that he cannot trust God to provide what is needed. A wise man will spend money in a way that puts a focus on God and not on material things recognizing that the Lord is the source and things given from His hand are not to be worshipped or adored. However, a foolish man spends without regard to God’s desire believing that having more, different, or opulent things will satisfy him and bring peace and joy.

Can you see how the foolish man’s vision and goals are twisted and warped in a way that will not allow him to be successful and building wealth and ministry in a way that pleases God? Don’t let your current income level or financial situation dictate your vision and actions, otherwise you'll continue to be in financial turmoil. That is not the legacy you want to live in or leave behind.

Real wisdom is exercised by faith by taking action to employ biblical instruction. It enables you to know the state of your income and expenses on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. You'll be immensely blessed by prioritizing your life to give ten-percent of your income and free-will offerings to God through your local church, by saving an emergency fund equal to six months of your expenses, by investing any savings over that amount in vehicles that provide equity in worthwhile businesses and real estate, and by paying off your debts and refusing to go into debt in the future so you expend less than your monthly income on material needs and desires. Believe me, this can be done and has been done by many people who were once in worse shape than you are.

A perceived lack of income and hopeless circumstances through your natural eyes doesn't limit God's supernatural ability to provide all your material needs and desires. Remember, He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can think or ask, as much as the power that lies within you. He can give you employment, business opportunities, and witty ideas and inventions that can create more income than you know what to do with. But, you must use the power within you (inspiration of the Holy Spirit anointing your natural ability) by doing what He directs to get the resources to you and then managing the revenues in the manner the bible instructs. When this happens, over time God entrusts you with more to manage.

I know quite a number of people that have become very wealthy using simple biblical financial principles while at the same time tithing and giving abundant offerings for ministry work locally and abroad. The legacy you leave this earth that determines the treasure stored up for you in Heaven should be to learn and take action to be the best possible steward that you can be of God’s possessions.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Proverbs 27:23-24, Matthew 25:14-31, Luke 19:12-27

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, March 18, 2012

MoneyWalk 137: Prosperity Through Discipline and Diligence

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

You may not have a well-paying job or profitable business at the moment, thus some or all of your income might be from sources such as government programs, private scholarships, family, friends, and people inspired to help you. Some may not know your situation, but God has supernaturally inspired them to gift something to you that can help you on your journey. The income you give to gospel ministry, use to pay your bills, and give to others in need even when you’re in need may not come through a traditional employment situation.

Don’t have a downtrodden attitude because your situation seems to be the worst or definitely not what you want it to be. Stop complaining about your position in life, your job, or business and begin to profusely thank God every morning when you rise and before you go to bed for the income (no matter how it comes to you right now) that allows you to take care of your responsibilities and give to help others.

Discipline yourself to thank God no matter how small your paycheck appears to be, no matter how insignificant your position appears to be, no matter how bad the atmosphere at work appears to be, and no matter how bad your life seems to be. God does not bring bad situations upon you. These are the result of free-will on earth by which men operate. You exacerbate the consequences of these bad situations and fail to turn them around for good by your failure to obey God’s commands and utilize biblical principles to govern your life.

Rest assured that whoever’s choices caused the problem, God will help you turn these problems for your good and bring forth a blessing that will enhance your life and ministry and many other people’s lives when you love Jesus Christ and accept Him as your Savior and Lord and walk in obedience to His will by faith. Many scriptural passages confirm that God uses every situation to mature you, enhance you and prepare you for the great calling He’s placed on your life. Only you can derail that plan.

Satan and other people cannot derail you. They can only provide obstacles for you to overcome that work your spiritual, mental, and physical muscle to help you have greater and greater successes as you move forward. This muscle will be built, re-built, maintained, and used positively whenever you’re ready to obey God and become disciplined and diligent at being a good steward (manager of all the resources God entrusts to you).

So be a person, employee, or business-owner that does not complain. Rather, maintain discipline and diligence in the task assigned and your present circumstance will become a link to the next higher step in fulfilling God's purpose for your life. He will show you how to stretch present income and increase your income through promotions and investment opportunities. He may even give you a witty invention or service idea that allows you to move into a godly entrepreneurial venture. When you envision your life and work as blessings from God and discipline yourself to be diligent at doing what He commands, you oil the godly networking machine that positively changes your financial future and helps increase your ministry and ability to give to other ministries that glorify God.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Proverbs 6:6-11, 19:15, 2Thessalonians 3:10-14, James 2:22-24

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, March 11, 2012

MoneyWalk 136: Patience Helps Build Wealth

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Reaching goals and fulfilling your destiny do not come overnight. You must start the planning process and then act upon it in order for your efforts to bear fruit later. Normally, fruit will be born little by little as you take action and then years later you will receive exponential fruit from your endeavors. When it looks like someone hit the jackpot all of a sudden, often their success is the culmination of all the little actions and endeavors they have taken to get to the place where they wanted to be.

This process works in the same manner for the financial portion of your life like it does for every part of your life. There is no different process. Thus, it takes being faithful to develop a plan and then act upon it (plant then water it consistently) in order to receive fruit of the planted seed. The exponential return is sure to come so that your ministry and ability to affect and infect people with the gospel have a far wider audience and array of those who are blessed by it. Your situation will get better much sooner than anticipated when you consistently use biblical money management principles. The use of these principles help you progressively get rid of negative money management habits that have previously been formed in your life.

The godly seed you'll sow by believing God desires to prosper you, tithing, offering, writing out a cash flow picture of your income and expenses (a budget), eliminating debt, and saving in order to live within your income and help others will be multiplied back to you many times over. You'll experience prosperity blooming in your life even as financial struggles and difficult situations present themselves.

Satan and his demonic forces don't want you to prosper, because prosperity allows you to properly minister to yourself, your family, others, and spread the gospel much farther and to many more people than you otherwise could. Patiently use biblical money management principles from the perspective of giving first, then saving, then spending recognizing that Daddy God has rebuked the devourer of your finances. The earth and atmosphere have been waiting to pour you out a blessing that you won't have room enough to receive. All you have to do is be obedient to His instructions by following His design for stewardship.

An abundant financial harvest awaits you when you diligently use biblical money management principles no matter the circumstances, trials, and tribulations, and good times you will face. Don't be weary in doing what God said is good because in due season you shall reap if you do not stop!

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Proverbs 20:21, Isaiah 55:10-11, Galatians 6:9-10, Hebrews 10:35-36, James 1:2-6

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, March 4, 2012

MoneyWalk 135: Wage War Against Dishonor

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Getting yourself in debt, failing to tithe, and spending more than your net-income are ways in which you dishonor God. Not to mention, you dishonor yourself because you’re not operating in accordance with who God made you to be: one who shows love by following His commands; an abundant giver instead of one looking to give the least he can; a leader who is an example for others to follow instead of a follower being led by the blind and twist God’s word to suit their own selfish aims; a person willing to sacrifice comfort in order to see Christ formed in himself and other people!

Make war against these poor money management habits because they rob you of the potential to fulfill God's purpose and have financial peace in your life. When you fail to follow godly money management habits such as tithing, offering, eliminating debt, and living within your means you are being set up by satan for a great fall. He cannot take God’s throne and become God and he is destined to live throughout eternity in the pit of Hell, so he is intent on taking as many people with him as possible by trying to confuse them via outright lies and subtle deceit and by encouraging them to be undisciplined, which is opposite the life style of a disciple of Christ. He wants to influence everyone that will allow him to ignore the Lordship that Jesus Christ should have in their lives, so they will fail to be a godly example and an influence for Christ on earth to other men, women, and children around them.

Commit to follow God's money management plan and let the Lord shape your prayers to take on a warlike tone in order to overcome negative habits. Potentially costly situations will face you in the early stages of this war because the enemy wants to try to turn you to his side by influencing you to choose money over God. Once you’ve overcome mammon and recognize that God can richly provide you with all things that you need as you seek His kingdom and righteousness, then complacency, pride, and arrogance will face you in the later stages because satan wants to strip you of humility by encouraging you to think it was not God who blessed you but rather the work of your own hands and intellect and your decisions to give sparingly so that conceivably you could lavish more upon yourself.

Remember, you aren't wrestling against people, banks, and creditors, rather you're wrestling against satanic principalities and powers that want to keep you from fulfilling God's awesome plan for your life. Place your attitude under submission, agreement, and obedience to God's money management standards and your eternal and financial burdens will be relieved because God will rebuke the devourer for your sake. Keep the word of God in your mouth and He’ll give you the ability to use it to bind the devourers of the money entrusted to you so that prosperity is loosed in your life in order for you to fruitfully pursue the commission Christ has given you. He will also protect you with spiritual armor that will allow you to face satan and his cohorts head on and defeat them in every battle. So, wage war against the dishonor that satan has or is trying to bring into your life. Only through obedience to godly instruction can you win the war being waged against you.

Please email me with any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Malachi 3:8-12, Matthew 6:33, 16:18-19, 2Corinthians 10:3-6, Ephesians 6:10-18

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at