Sunday, March 4, 2012

MoneyWalk 135: Wage War Against Dishonor

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Getting yourself in debt, failing to tithe, and spending more than your net-income are ways in which you dishonor God. Not to mention, you dishonor yourself because you’re not operating in accordance with who God made you to be: one who shows love by following His commands; an abundant giver instead of one looking to give the least he can; a leader who is an example for others to follow instead of a follower being led by the blind and twist God’s word to suit their own selfish aims; a person willing to sacrifice comfort in order to see Christ formed in himself and other people!

Make war against these poor money management habits because they rob you of the potential to fulfill God's purpose and have financial peace in your life. When you fail to follow godly money management habits such as tithing, offering, eliminating debt, and living within your means you are being set up by satan for a great fall. He cannot take God’s throne and become God and he is destined to live throughout eternity in the pit of Hell, so he is intent on taking as many people with him as possible by trying to confuse them via outright lies and subtle deceit and by encouraging them to be undisciplined, which is opposite the life style of a disciple of Christ. He wants to influence everyone that will allow him to ignore the Lordship that Jesus Christ should have in their lives, so they will fail to be a godly example and an influence for Christ on earth to other men, women, and children around them.

Commit to follow God's money management plan and let the Lord shape your prayers to take on a warlike tone in order to overcome negative habits. Potentially costly situations will face you in the early stages of this war because the enemy wants to try to turn you to his side by influencing you to choose money over God. Once you’ve overcome mammon and recognize that God can richly provide you with all things that you need as you seek His kingdom and righteousness, then complacency, pride, and arrogance will face you in the later stages because satan wants to strip you of humility by encouraging you to think it was not God who blessed you but rather the work of your own hands and intellect and your decisions to give sparingly so that conceivably you could lavish more upon yourself.

Remember, you aren't wrestling against people, banks, and creditors, rather you're wrestling against satanic principalities and powers that want to keep you from fulfilling God's awesome plan for your life. Place your attitude under submission, agreement, and obedience to God's money management standards and your eternal and financial burdens will be relieved because God will rebuke the devourer for your sake. Keep the word of God in your mouth and He’ll give you the ability to use it to bind the devourers of the money entrusted to you so that prosperity is loosed in your life in order for you to fruitfully pursue the commission Christ has given you. He will also protect you with spiritual armor that will allow you to face satan and his cohorts head on and defeat them in every battle. So, wage war against the dishonor that satan has or is trying to bring into your life. Only through obedience to godly instruction can you win the war being waged against you.

Please email me with any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Malachi 3:8-12, Matthew 6:33, 16:18-19, 2Corinthians 10:3-6, Ephesians 6:10-18

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

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