Don't let satan deceive you into thinking that you cannot manage your current lifestyle and income to build wealth just because you are currently receiving government assistance, have minimum wage income, or a lot of bills. No matter what your income it will be managed one way or another: either poorly or successfully.
So, do yourself a favor and save yourself from anguish by committing to manage money successfully in a way that glorifies God’s and helps bring His will to pass in your life and the lives of others He has called you to minister to. The only way to successfully manage money is to follow biblical instruction.
Pray and ASK God to show you in the bible what you should focus on with regard to giving, saving, and spending. Then, SEEK to do it by writing on paper or computer the long-term vision (plan) and short and mid-term steps (budget) you will engage. Then, KNOCK on the door by following the budget, so that you can fulfill the vision to which God has called you. Budget sheets, software, and instructions are available from many different sources to help you employ this principle.
Each item on the budget is a goal that directs how you allocate your dollars to help you fulfill the vision. Contrary to popular opinion, written budgets glorify God because His word shows that His people write the vision down plainly so they can read it and do what’s necessary to employ it. Also, scripture instructs a man to count the cost prior to trying to build anything. In addition, Proverbs tells people to know the state of their assets, income, and expenses so that they are able to build wealth and so it can endure from generation to generation.
A wise man will save a portion of the income that God has entrusted to him while a foolish man spends all that he gets. Also, a wise man tithes and offers to God knowing that he will not miss anything because God will provide all his need in accordance with His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. While a foolish man fails to give believing that he cannot trust God to provide what is needed. A wise man will spend money in a way that puts a focus on God and not on material things recognizing that the Lord is the source and things given from His hand are not to be worshipped or adored. However, a foolish man spends without regard to God’s desire believing that having more, different, or opulent things will satisfy him and bring peace and joy.
Can you see how the foolish man’s vision and goals are twisted and warped in a way that will not allow him to be successful and building wealth and ministry in a way that pleases God? Don’t let your current income level or financial situation dictate your vision and actions, otherwise you'll continue to be in financial turmoil. That is not the legacy you want to live in or leave behind.
Real wisdom is exercised by faith by taking action to employ biblical instruction. It enables you to know the state of your income and expenses on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. You'll be immensely blessed by prioritizing your life to give ten-percent of your income and free-will offerings to God through your local church, by saving an emergency fund equal to six months of your expenses, by investing any savings over that amount in vehicles that provide equity in worthwhile businesses and real estate, and by paying off your debts and refusing to go into debt in the future so you expend less than your monthly income on material needs and desires. Believe me, this can be done and has been done by many people who were once in worse shape than you are.
A perceived lack of income and hopeless circumstances through your natural eyes doesn't limit God's supernatural ability to provide all your material needs and desires. Remember, He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can think or ask, as much as the power that lies within you. He can give you employment, business opportunities, and witty ideas and inventions that can create more income than you know what to do with. But, you must use the power within you (inspiration of the Holy Spirit anointing your natural ability) by doing what He directs to get the resources to you and then managing the revenues in the manner the bible instructs. When this happens, over time God entrusts you with more to manage.
I know quite a number of people that have become very wealthy using simple biblical financial principles while at the same time tithing and giving abundant offerings for ministry work locally and abroad. The legacy you leave this earth that determines the treasure stored up for you in Heaven should be to learn and take action to be the best possible steward that you can be of God’s possessions.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Proverbs 27:23-24, Matthew 25:14-31, Luke 19:12-27
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at
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