You will at times have money spats and disagreements that produce friction in your relationships. Your spouse may have a spendthrift behavior and disagree with you on the need to save a reasonable portion of your income. Your parents may get into trouble and be facing foreclosure and pressure you to give them money to try and catch up the mortgage. A loved one may spew ridicule because you refuse to pledge money to their pet project. Or, someone may be hiding from you at the time they are supposed to be paying back money you loaned them.
Many times both parties are at fault for the friction. If they had made decisions based on biblical money management principles, they would have avoided the friction and would be comfortable with the results of their actions, regardless of the results. Don’t get me wrong, you will experience frictions and differences in what the result should have been even when you engage financial transactions with other Christians. And, there certainly may be times that you need to discuss negative results and share how you believe the other party should have handled the situation. Yet, you stop well short of hate and simply allow the Holy Spirit to work in both hearts what needs to be done.
God gives peace that passes all understanding, which produces patience in you and maintains joy. This allows you to forgive those that mistreat and cheat you. Yet, there are times when the Holy Spirit may lead you to stop engaging money transactions with offenders that will not correct their behavior or he may instruct you to stop fellowshipping with them altogether until they have shown positive change. His love calls us to account and may isolate offenders until they see the error of their ways and begin to act in ways that are best for themselves and other people around them.
Always pray that the Holy Spirit correct the situation in the way He chooses and conduct yourself with the utmost integrity, and refuse verbal spats and physical confrontation! Be an example of Christ-likeness no matter what others act like and simply know the truth and it will make you free!!! This posture is highly likely to be an example that the offender will ultimately follow.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Proverbs 16:20-23, 21:15-16, Ephesians 4:30-32, 6:5-9, James 5:7-9, 1Peter 1:13-16
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at
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