Most people would probably say they’re not prejudice against others regardless of skin color. However, actions speak louder than words. If you do not currently have actions that support your non-prejudice claims, you must make a change in order to please the King of Kings who instructs us not to be respecters of persons and to not oppress other people.
Start by declaring each day going forward that you are not racist or prejudice because this helps change your mindset and rid you of discriminatory actions. You must be sincere about your claim and want to change areas of your life where the Holy Ghost convicts you of beliefs, words, and actions that are unlike His character.
Common forms of prejudice that could show up but often are overlooked:
**Overwhelmingly hiring people within your race because no matter the background and experience of someone of another race.
**Using criteria that does not specifically show how well one can perform a job in order to deny a person of another or culture.
**Overwhelmingly using people within your race as financial advisors after passing up others who had great experience, shared your financial stewardship philosophy, and had a character / personality that could work well with you.
**Using biased tests and criteria to determine who gets higher level educational opportunities within your company.
**Almost never mingling with and building close relationships outside of work and ministry with people of other nationalities, races, and backgrounds.
When you show such prejudice it is easy to be convinced that you are only measuring necessary criteria. However, God knows when you are unrighteously denying other people opportunities for relationship, work, and play that should be afforded to them. Certainly, you should use biblically based criteria as the measuring stick for environments you will be in and actions you will take in getting to know other people and hanging out with them in more intimate settings.
Yet, you must realize that your life of ministry requires you to be around people you might not otherwise choose to be around because you understand their soul is very important to the Lord. Now, go forth into all the world preaching the gospel and discipling other people.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Galatians 2:11-14, Ephesians 3:3-8, Philemon 1:10-17, James 5:1-6
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at
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