Many people pursue a level of possession of material things they believe will show other people they have made it. Some want this level of riches in order to be accepted by and rub elbows with those they believe have already made it. Some also want it in order to be remembered after death, to leave their name as a legacy. Naturally speaking, this puts their focus on achieving rock star, professional athlete, and Fortune 500 CEO salaries and fame.
While there is not anything wrong with these desires in general and such situations can come to pass for you, many people find themselves unhappy down the road when their life pursuits were based solely on making money, obtaining power among men, and purchasing material pleasures. Your desire for these things should be based upon the firm foundation of the desire: to be intimate with the LORD; to make His will the priority and bring Him glory in all your business pursuits; to use your business and other endeavors you engage to lead the lost to Him; to disciple other people so they will follow your example of living and communicating in a way that pleases Him; and to serve other people by meeting needs and desires in a way that is not immoral.
Believers that have not attained rock star status should never believe they haven’t accomplished much at all, as long as they have been intimate with the LORD and immersed in evangelical and discipleship activities among family, friends, and neighbors that fit His purpose and desired destiny for their lives. They should be aware that in the midst of this relationship they should use the following biblical principles to build wealth as they pass through this life that will help them fulfill their part of the Great Commission: (1) Understanding that the LORD is supreme creator, all mighty, and owner of everything; (2) Understanding that each person is only a steward of the portion of the LORD’s possessions He assigns to him/her throughout life; (3)Praise, Worship, and Prayer; (4) Daily reading of the bible; (5) Weekly fellowship with other believers; (6) Contentment; (7) Sacrifice; (8) Self-control; (9) Tithing & Offering; (10) Consistent and continuous planning & budgeting using biblically-based vision casting; (11) Pursuit of debt elimination and freedom; (12) Refusal to cosign loans for others; (13) Saving & Investing, and (14) Diversifying assets as you accumulate more wealth.
The LORD’s plan is that every person be a Christian and be prosperous. In His eyes, you’ve achieved this state of being when you’re following the purpose and plan He has for your life while helping the church fulfill its mission of evangelizing and making disciples of other people. Then you are assured of reaching the destiny He has for you on Earth and in Heaven. To do this you must put on the mind of Christ. The process begins when you accept Him as Savior & Lord. Secondly, you must do what He directs you to do, from regularly attending church to tithing and budgeting to live within your income. Then, you must have faith to know that He will reward you for following His principles and having the patience to wait until His promises come to pass.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!
Proverbs 10:4-5, Malachi 3:8-10, Luke 14:28-30, Galatians 6:8-10, Philippians 4:4-7
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