Saturday, November 14, 2015

MoneyWalk 316: Destroy Lack In Your Life

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

In order for Christians to undo bondage they have been trapped in each Church must regularly speak the word of faith, in accordance with biblical instruction, during worship services when the vast majority of members are in attendance. Most members will not use greater levels of faith to accomplish the LORD’s will on Earth as it is in Heaven, when they are not taught what thus saith the LORD. They will go through life being mediocre at best, not understanding the lifestyle, character, and good works He wants them to do to show His glory in their lives and to other people. It is important to recognize our duty in helping destroy lack in the lives of others. The Holy Spirit moves upon what we teach to bind and employ it in the hearts of believing hearers.

Good financial stewardship is a subset of the life, character, and good works He wants us to display. Belief in and actions to engage require the same type of regular training. Each Church needs to regularly teach principles such as godly vision for fruitfulness and prosperity, declaring and proclaiming it for our lives, goal setting, working as unto the LORD in the marketplace and in ministry, giving abundantly, budgeting, eliminating debt, no cosigning, saving, investing, diversifying assets, and other helpful principles that lead to increased revenues for fulfilling the Great Commission. These things are connected with prayer, praise, worship, studying the Word, fellowship, and other Christian disciplines. Often, they will not be studied or engaged when they are not regularly taught.

The failure over many decades to properly train the body of Christ to earn and manage money according to biblical principles has resulted in Christians walking, talking, and acting like the world and sometimes not knowing that they should believe different or do better. Satan uses this lack of training as an opportunity to motivate people to constantly air beliefs and methods on media outlets that contradict biblical instruction. A lack of example of good biblically based stewardship by prominent Christians and an appearance of great prosperity by 2% of the unbelieving population of the world has many believers walking in hardness of heart against biblically based principles and methods. Though they have not found the beliefs and methods of the 2% working for them, they believe more in them and what they see than they believe what scripture says.

Of course some of what unbelieving financial pundits teach does not conflict with scripture, but people are directed to do it for the wrong reasons: the glory of self instead of the glory of God. Believers need to live in the reality that they need or want nothing that would be obtained outside of beliefs, principles, methods, and boundaries that line up with scripture. The Word makes it clear that it is better to eat bread with the poor than to dwell with the rich who are wicked and there is a situation on Earth that makes one look rich when really he is poor and a situation that makes one look poor when really he is rich. Lack will truly be destroyed when you align your work and ministry with biblical instructions that produce fruitfulness, prosperity, and profit.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Deuteronomy 6:1-13, John 8:31-32, Romans 10:16-18, 2Timothy 3:16-17

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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