Many people think abundant living is something reached once you amass a million dollars or more in assets because this is often the financial situation men focus on as the one where a man has become rich. Not to mention, men often give even greater accolades to those that earn million dollar incomes. Almost every voice around us, even some in the Church, lift up people in these two categories as icons of God’s will for each man.
Certainly, these are great positions to be in as long as the path that leads one there is directly in line with a lifestyle that pleases the LORD and a plan in the center of His will for people on earth. There are many occupations that please Him and there are many that do not such as pornography and crime and there are many character traits pleasing to Him yet many that are not such as arrogance, lying, deceiving, and oppressing others. It is acceptable to Him to honor people that achieve and earn great incomes and assets who do so in accordance with His will. Yet, these are not the only people living abundantly and others who do so should also be honored.
People should also be praised who pursue missions ministry and those that faithfully serve and give in the local fellowship and community to evangelize and make disciples of other people at home and abroad. This includes the many people that to the natural eye don’t seem to be doing anything great or worthy of accolades, yet they are faithful in helping ministries be great at doing what is necessary to affect and infect the world for Christ, leading them to salvation and eternal life.
While men can do things on earth that may be praised because it helps other people in some way (provides jobs, find technologies that make work easier, help homeless people, etc.), we must learn to praise as godly only those whose communication and lifestyles lift up the LORD Jesus Christ and point to Him as Savior from the wrath that satan and those who remain unbelievers will bring upon themselves.
Abundant living that scripture speaks of will not come via money, yet having more than enough money to do all that God called you to do will be an intricate part of it. The LORD does not want you poor, broke, and in financial turmoil. Thus, the Holy Spirit speaks to us about good stewardship and desires that we pursue lifestyles and character that employ it. No matter your current level of income or assets, the following simple steps will discipline you, ready you for His work, let you know He is your source, and help you make His will the first priority in your life. First, consistently tithe to your local church. Second, develop and utilize a budget to stop overspending your income and use found money and income increases to build a $1,000 emergency fund while you pay off your debts. Third, seek to use your gifts, talents, and skills for greater income producing endeavors. Fourth, after all consumer debts are paid off, build your emergency fund to $10,000 and then focus on paying off your home mortgage. Thereafter, pursue reasonable investments with your much larger disposable income.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!
Psalms 1:1-3, Proverbs 3:5-10, Matthew 22:34-40, Romans 13:8, 1Timothy 6:3-10
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