Sunday, April 3, 2016

MoneyWalk 334: Eliminate Strongholds And Bondage

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Focused prayer to the LORD including thanks, praise, and worship will help you pull down debt strongholds, eliminate overspending, and destroy ungodly desires. It identifies the financial traps that the demonic forces have set for you and the habits you’ve developed that have made you a borrower, one who is indebted to others and to the world system, a slave instead of one who takes dominion according to the power and authority God gave you. Then, it destroys the weights and sins that easily beset you by rebuking them in Jesus name, resisting the temptations, and instilling commitment to obey the Word of God in all things including biblical financial principles.

You must schedule alone time with God during each day where you do not allow anything to keep you from His presence. Also, randomly and spontaneously praise and worship Him throughout your day and do not forget to thank Him for the salvation He gave you over sin and for the Christ-like nature, fruitfulness, success, and prosperity He is imparting to you while you’re still on earth and for what He’s going to do as you move throughout the future.

Such a worshipful atmosphere pleases Him and brings favor upon your life. In it, you’ll find knowledge and understanding you didn’t previously have access to as well as wisdom to make the choices that are best for you, your loved ones, and everyone you come in contact with. When you commit to this lifestyle you will receive power to get your financial house in order and God will be moved to provide supernatural help to better your situation. In vocation, avocation, and recreation you will be truly successful at fulfilling the purpose for which He made you, which helps build His kingdom in the hearts of men while on earth in hope they will choose Him as LORD and Savior and not experience an eternity of Hell when they leave this realm.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Psalms 37:4, Matthew 18:18, 2Corinthians 10:4-6, 1John 5:13-15

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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