Sunday, August 7, 2016

MoneyWalk 354: Failure to Plan Produces Failure

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

In order to experience good results from your work, you must have spiritual vision that comes from godly / moral values while engaging and cultivating the type of activities / employments that can produce desired results that are a benefit to you and other people. You must see what is not evident by the situation you are in today and call those things that be not as though they are. Declare a thing and so shall it be unto you and as a man thinks in his heart so is he. I understand that Henry Ford once said “Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right” in order to help people see that a can do attitude and employments are the best way to go when you believe you need or want to do something that will positively help others.

Never do what is wicked in God's eyes, however measure guidance and advice from other people by the Word and your intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit before automatically stopping each activity that another person or group of people say you should stop, no matter how respected they may be in your community. Simply listen and take their guidance under advisement until you are clear that the guidance is the best indication that you should change course.

In life you may start as a grocery bagger but may end up a store manager or you may start by sitting in the pews listening to and learning from others but may end up as director of evangelism. You may start as the janitor but may wind up the company president. These scenarios have played out for millions of people over the years because of their faithful and diligent attention to the business and ministry God placed them in. Your increasing spiritual and financial maturity / promotion will be a result of the same type of process that requires faithful planning as commitment to His will.

A net worth statement showing your net financial worth or lack of one shows how past decisions have helped or hampered you overall up to this point in time. Also, at least six months worth of perpetual monthly budgets that you faithfully monitor and utilize to measure and control giving, saving, and spending are a must because you need to see how spending decisions proposed or made today can hamper or help you get to where God wants you to be while also building enormous future wealth to care for family and Church needs and desires. The net worth statement and budget documents serve as plans in the financial arena of your life to help you properly discern whether you are doing good or bad things related to your giving, saving, and spending. Electronic budgeting tools and spreadsheets are available to help ease the pain of having to write the same thing over and over for each budget cycle. These also eliminate the anguish caused by smudging paper documents with an eraser and making them almost unrecognizable when revising income and expense figures during the budget cycles.

Subtract from your gross monthly income federal, state, and city taxes, tithe and offering, each minimum monthly bill payment (rent / mortgage, car notes, utilities, charge cards, etc.). The result (which will be a positive surplus or negative deficit) shows what you have left each pay period for groceries, home maintenance, car maintenance, gas for cars, entertainment, personal money, emergencies, etc.). This information is vital for short and long-term planning of anticipated income and expenses, because it lets you know what you can afford to purchase now so you will not be negatively affected in the future. Failure to plan which leads to overspending, borrowing, and continual spontaneity will not bring God’s best and desired situation for your life. Such failure will produce destructive tendencies, headaches, heartaches, and harm to you and your family (including the Church). Faithful planning and diligent employments guided by biblical instruction will bring God’s supernatural blessing, reward, and success.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Proverbs 27:23-27, Habakkuk 2:2-4, Luke 14:28-32, Philippians 4:11-13

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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