Saturday, August 20, 2016

MoneyWalk 356: The Truth Will Make You Free

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Jesus said He saw satan fall like lightning to the earth when he was kicked out of Heaven. This shows the LORD’s almighty power over all things. However, He did not immediately strip satan and the fallen angels of all power because He knew humans he was going to create, place on earth, and give dominion over it would need thorns in the side in order to exercise free will in choosing to accept His love through Jesus Christ, follow Him, and develop character.

Satan roams the earth like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour in every area of life including the financial arena. He works to get people to agree with him, so they develop attitudes, activities, policies, and processes that promote his ungodly principles. For example, he and his earthly spokespeople tell you not to tithe and give abundantly to ministry work because its legalistic and eliminates your fun and control by reducing your ability to buy many things you really should not have, maybe at the current time and maybe not at all. He also pushes manipulative advertising that encourages you to desire many things that will motivate you to purchase them rather than making it a priority to give abundantly for the gospel to be communicated to those who will be lost for eternity if they do not come to Christ. Many choose to disbelieve that satan’s aim seeks to ruins their lives and eternity or they simply will not acknowledge that such things are poor stewardship in which he and his minions are intimately involved.

Prioritizing getting things you desire and saying things you desire are needs seem wise to the flesh, but this mindset destroys the vast majority of people who adopt it and ruins eternity for many because they fail to ever make intimacy with Jesus Christ and good stewardship according to His will the pre-eminent aim of their lives. On earth it also stops the majority from establishing boundaries that really help them care for responsibilities in a God-honoring manner and from establishing funds to take care of emergency needs that will arise throughout life. In addition, it stops them from building wealth for the future to help abundantly care for themselves, family, and the Church as they age and go through the veritable up and down economies that occur throughout life.

To worldly people, the LORD’s principles seem foolish and in conflict but the results are amazing. Many ask how can a person throughout life tithe / give abundantly and live abundantly while at the same time build great wealth. The answer lies in His creation of the universe in which a tightly closed hand will not give as it should and thus cannot receive as He desires. Opening your hand, throughout the remainder of your life, to give abundantly of current and future income and assets, especially toward endeavors that help evangelize and make disciples of others, opens your life to manifold blessings and rewards befitting of an obedient child of the King.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Proverbs 11:24-26, Ecclesiastes 11:4-6, Mark 10:29-31, Luke 6:38

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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