Monday, October 3, 2016

MoneyWalk 362: Be A Good Steward

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Scriptural instruction leads you to plan to give abundantly and avoid future debt in order to spend within your means for things necessary and desired in this life. This becomes your giving, saving, and spending plan that is a monthly written tabulation used to keep your expenses far less than income and your liabilities far less than assets. Through this discipline you will become debt free not many years into the future and thereafter build substantial wealth for purposes of kingdom advancement and caring for future needs, given that emergencies and catastrophes will be experienced, even while you currently give in a tremendous fashion to the LORD’s work and worthwhile charity.

It gives you greater ability to affect people with the gospel as they see and hear your testimony and example of the LORD’s blessing and reward in your life. Other people’s talents and services are needed to help you reach your full potential because there are things that you may not be good at that they are good at to help you safely navigate the waters you have dominion over, such as budgeting know how, accounting, bookkeeping, taxes, investment knowledge, etc. No man is an island unto himself, thus you cannot accomplish God’s purpose for your life without relationship and inner-working with others. No doubt, some people will come and go and be more or less involved during different periods of your life, but together those with wisdom and a good example serve as the multitude of counselors who identify the LORD’s safe boundary mechanism that propels you into His prosperous purpose.

While consistently tithing and offering and after becoming debt free put into equity investment vehicles at least a seven percent portion of the money entrusted to you by the LORD (via income through employment and other natural and supernatural means). Trade it in the market using at least seven different no load, low expense stock index mutual funds or similar historically reliable high growth investments. Trading is identified in scripture as good stewardship practice that brings great return throughout your life.

Also, put at least three percent of your income in a bank or other financial institution in stable value accounts that pay interest. Though such savings usually grow at a much lower rate of return than stock mutual funds, they provide a hedge against down markets and funds that will help take care of emergencies and catastrophes that arise at various times throughout your life.

In addition, plan for the day when you can soon put at least two to five percent of your income toward entrepreneurial endeavors such as business startups, inventions, angel investing, real estate, etc. Such endeavors have historically shown, for one to two percent of the population, that they provide some of the highest returns that can be obtained. The discipline you learn and additional growth you receive on your money from these good stewardship methods will help you take care of all your God-given responsibilities, give more to the Church than will otherwise be possible, and faithfully complete the plan for which He made you.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Job 1:1-3, Proverbs 11:14, Ecclesiastes 11:4-6, Matthew 6:19-21, Luke 12:32-34

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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