Sunday, October 9, 2016

MoneyWalk 363: Saving Is Important To The LORD

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The LORD’s return is imminent. It’s certainly closer today than it has ever been and He instructs us that upon His return, we should be found busy completing our part of the Great Commission in our family, workplaces, neighborly relationships, and all arenas of life. We are citizens of Heaven and need to understand that we are seated with Jesus Christ in heavenly places, yet we should not be so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good. Thus, we must understand that biblical principles require a natural action that we are able to take by the power God gave us when He created us and even greater power of His Holy Spirit living in us upon becoming believers in Christ and receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The creation of God and its inner-working then causes that natural action to result in supernatural results that glorify Him and bring about the good He intended for you and people around you and many times to those in the uttermost parts of the earth.

Prayer brings great results that we desperately need in our lives and world, yet it must be displayed by the work of opening your heart, mind, ears, and mouth to listen for the LORD and talk with Him. Reading the scripture on a regular basis like we should, or with any regularity, requires that we actually open the book, use the internet, or some other physical tool to distinguish the LORD’s instruction in order to progressively know what is important to Him and for you and other people. Thus, you should recognize that He instructs everyone to take action in the financial and other arenas of our lives that are physical in nature and are good works that bring supernatural results when employed. Saving is one of these principles that require action that you do not want to overlook or think He does not care about lest you fail to receive the great benefits that He stored therein for your life, care of your family, and future involvement with the ministry of the Church to change the lives and trajectories of many other people for His glory.

Proverbs lets us know that a fool quickly spends all he / she receives whereas the wise save for the future. Luke tells us that a wise man would not build a house without counting the cost to know that he has enough to complete it. A reasonable amount of savings and an ongoing pattern of saving a portion of the money the LORD entrusts to you helps you solidly build the house of your life and maintain an ever firmer financial footing as you move deeper into the life and work He called you to. A great method for employing the saving principle that has brought great results in many peoples’ lives is to budget your income and expenses in the way that allows you to build a first tier emergency fund of $1,000 and then after you have paid off all your non-mortgage debt you should save at least $10,000 and up to six months of expenses. You also will want to thereafter employ saving for extra things such as birthday, Christmas, wedding anniversary gifts, private school and/or college education costs, and for placement in equity investments that can allow you to amass great wealth for the care of your family, your future, your Church, and your ministry calling.

People that employ a give first, save next, and spend third habit in their financial lives more often have a greater positive impact in life than those whose habit is to spend, spend, spend. Usually, believers who master this principle give abundantly to ministry work and their tithes and offerings grow larger throughout the future. It’s almost impossible to consistently give as the LORD instructs and have something to invest for future growth unless you first live beneath your income and save because the desire for things of this world and massive debt to get them otherwise encompass a greater part of your income and stops you. This brings unnecessary sorrow into your life by stopping the natural and supernatural flow of blessing and increase that God intends for you and your family. Our LORD is all about helping you eliminate unnecessary sorrow and having maximum impact throughout the course of your life and He determined that this could not be done without consistently employing saving as a financial component of your life.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Deuteronomy 8:18, Proverbs 6:6-11, 21:20, Matthew 25:19-21, Luke 14:28-30, 19:15-17

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