Be truly successful at building true wealth in your personal, business, and ministry endeavors by always making the LORD’s will and support of His Great Commission your top priority. In the midst of this mindset and initiative to make it happen, failures will occur. You must always remember your efforts are never in vain when you stay focused on Him and persevere through obstacles that seek to keep you from His blessing and rewards.
Everyone suffers earthly failures on their road to success. Many steps to success are called failures on earth, but these situations are used by the Master to strengthen us, build our endurance, and give us wisdom to make good choices down the road. When you are about your Father’s business, He doesn’t count previous wrong circumstances as failures when you long to do His will and support His work throughout the future. He counts them as steps in your progression that will mature you to handle more responsibility in His kingdom.
That is why you do not have to fear failure. It is only helping you ultimately achieve success by initiating you in the process of research, trial, and error until you find the sweet spot that produces meaningful service and tools that you and other people can use to enhance lives, abilities, and skills. It has been said that Thomas Edison experienced a thousand failures before he was able to produce a lighted bulb. You will find that most successful employees, entrepreneurs, and gospel ministers found their lives littered with many failures along their paths that were made sweet by the few successes eventually produced through the analysis of their failures and the perseverance to keep pressing on until they saw the result they envisioned.
That is why faith and trust in the LORD are of utmost importance in snuffing out the misconceptions about failure and its ability to otherwise make us consider giving up the pursuits that really matter. It is the most awesome feeling knowing He has your best interest at heart and that you can proclaim good fruit from those good things you are currently doing but cannot see even though the good fruit does not currently seem to exist. He did not give you a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and a desire to excel at doing His will and this will lead you through the minefield of failure until you become successful at all He called you to.
Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!
Deuteronomy 8:17, Judges 7:2-7, Luke 12:16-21, Acts 7:39-41, James 5:1-11
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