Sunday, July 16, 2017

MoneyWalk 401 Only The Unadulterated Truth Will Set You Free

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Below is a view on the truth and the only way in which we can maintain the freedoms (including economic / financial) that we have enjoyed for several centuries, which other people in nations around the world have desperately longed for even while some of them have been socialized to hate our nation. There is always a greater level of maturity that each person and this nation can pursue and attain. However, this goal should be pursued in accordance with the pathway lighted by the bible in a way that protects our standards that provide freedom from people (citizens and immigrants) who would employ tactics meant to take it away. It is interesting that our nation can be, at the same time, loved and hated. Some hate our nation, yet when their people long for freedom and opportunity this nation is the foremost place they seek to come for freedom of religion, non-religion, education, jobs, entrepreneurial endeavors, etc.

Jesus and the Kingdom of God endured this same love hate relationship. The government and religious leaders did not like Him because His very presence, way of living, and teaching convicted them of sin that resided in their hearts and was acted out by their bodies. Even though He showed them the way of salvation and eternal life, they were not willing to develop a relationship with Him and live in accordance with His instructions because of their desire to maintain earthly power, that by the way would only last for a very limited time). Many of them hated and reviled Him and exhorted all other people to do the same. Unfortunately, many of the people followed their pattern and did not receive the great earthly and eternal blessing and reward He prepared for them. They were not eternally secure but to others on earth they looked very good in positions of power, prestige, fame, immoral independence, and spiritually rebellious creativity. Yet being totally committed to the Father’s will until Judgment Day arrives and in order to give us the pathway that would allow each person of his own free will to receive the best for his / her life, Jesus would not use divine power to overthrow earthly kingdoms during His initial bodily visit to the earth. But all things will consummate in His righteous rule and reign after the Great Tribulation.

There are some who desired to live godly in that day, and some who desire it today, who love Jesus Christ despite opposition and persecution they would suffer for His name sake. Once they accepted Him as Savior and Lord, their minds were illumined to understood they are citizens of Heaven passing through the earth on a short pilgrimage. Also, they understand their jobs were to utilize the spiritual, mental, and physical gifts and abilities they had been given by God to make the earth a better place while they live here. There are many pathways that can be used (entrepreneurial endeavors, non-profit work, social services, helping the poor, caring for widows, government service, etc.), but the world will only be truly made better by us as we lead more and more people into an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and disciple them to walk in His godly ways. Only then will the moral fiber of our righteous LORD become pervasive in a way that truly leads the people into greater blessing and reward. Let’s not ruin the moral foundation that makes our nation the prime destination for those who want freedom and the economic, financial, and spiritual blessing it produces for them and their loved ones.

The other extreme, rebellion against God, is a moral failure that leads a person, nation, and world to utter destruction that will show up on earth in some instances and throughout eternity for all those who remain rebellious unto death. One must repent of sin and turn wholeheartedly to God’s will through accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord in order to receive His best for his / her life.

We need to know and share the truth even though we are likely to suffer persecution just as Christ did for saying and doing what was right but you must speak and do what is right in order to please Him. 1Peter 2:20-23 shows you get no brownie points for suffering when you are punished for doing wrong. But if you suffer for doing right and are patient in that suffering, God is pleased with you and you will ultimately receive blessing and reward. This is what God has called you to do. Christ, who was sinless and without guile suffered for you and is your example. Follow in His steps. He did not retaliate when He was insulted. When mistreated, He did not threaten to get even. He left His case in the hands of Almighty God, who always judges righteously. You can and should do the same as you go about sharing the truth.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Jeremiah 28:15-17, Ezekiel 13:20-23, Mark 12:38-40, Acts 13:4-12, Hebrews 2:1, 2Peter 2:1-3

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