Sunday, November 12, 2017

MoneyWalk 416 Do Not Be Surprised By Christmas

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Imagine the surprise of Christmas when thereafter the unsuspecting mother and father open the gift sent to them by the credit card company. They did no sound planning according to their financial situation to determine how much could reasonably be spent to purchase gifts for each other, their children, and extended family. On average people spend three times more than they should each Christmas and then have to pay hefty finance charges on top of that because they used loans to finance gifts. Many of the items will soon be forgotten but recurring bill payments will remain.

This scenario puts far too many families into financial hardship each year and is exacerbated by their failure to recognize the problem and correct it for future years. Some recognize this pattern is not worth the illusory happiness they had when giving in to the costly demands of nagging spouses who want the latest designer purse, play station, or mini bike. But they are afraid, unwilling, or insecure about stopping the pattern and letting their families know true love does not equate with the giving of material things that make the family worse off sending it into a downward financial spiral. Thus, they will be back at it again this time next year.

Unfortunately, most spend far more on ultimately worthless and forgotten gifts than they give to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to others who need a relationship with Him in order to be saved from the penalty of their sins. Jesus Christ, intimacy with Him, and the out-flowing of that into carrying out His Great Commandment is what Christmas is really about. You know, the day we celebrate Jesus Christ who came, lived, died, and was resurrected for our salvation from eternal damnation. He alone grants eternal life, a home in Heaven and the New Earth where evil and sin never reside but peace and joy abide forever!

Until you decide the commercialization of Christmas is a man-made tradition and not the LORD's instruction to us, the same poor stewardship routine is likely to be carried out each year for Christmas and bring you into financial hardship, bondage, or ruin throughout your life. Granted gift giving is no sin as long as it does not impeded your ability to properly care for the true needs of your household and give abundantly to spread the gospel. Not all things are sin but many that people have made traditions and called necessary are not always expedient for our current financial situation and spiritual growth. To display good stewardship from a biblical perspective, establish a budget for Christmas that identifies the amount of money your budget shows you can reasonably afford to spend per family member and for the gathering. Exercise your faith to declare, expect, and allow the LORD to provide more than you are able without you going into debt to get it, knowing in your heart that if He did not provide it you know He could and would if it is truly best for you all.

Have a family meeting to identify the plan you will follow and each family member's part in it that will be used to simplify life by spending within your means, refusing to take on debt, working to eliminate current debt, and honoring God and family in ways that truly matter on a spiritual and practical level. Offer each member the opportunity to tell you specifically what he/she wants for Christmas that falls within that amount (postage, shipping, handling, and taxes included). Also, offer them the opportunity to give you sales papers on which they circle many different items that fall within their budgeted amount. Alternately, they could choose to let Mom and Dad pick items they want to give within the budgeted amount. The surprise of Christmas then is no longer shock from a hefty credit card bill right after Christmas. It becomes the opening of gifts that are more useful and enjoyable because financial bondage is not created to get them. This type of discipline and self-control during Christmas and other gift giving days will put you on the path to financial freedom and wealth building. Discipline is what disciples should be known for because it matures you and builds greater self-control, commitment and integrity toward doing the LORD's will.

Teach and example this lifestyle for your kids, so they learn to become givers, savers/investors, and reasonable spenders instead of spenders, spenders, spenders. This gives them the tools they need to stay clear of financial bondage throughout their lives, by helping them know how to set proper financial boundaries and not be swayed by habits and traditions of the financially illiterate that surround them.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Proverbs 16:3, Luke 14:28, Ephesians 6:4, 1Timothy 3:4-5, James 1:5, 14-18

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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