Monday, November 20, 2017

MoneyWalk 417 The LORD's Presence Prospers You

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Biblical finance teachers extol the results that come from obeying Christ’s commands by using biblical financial principles such as working faithfully according to proper spiritual authority, tithing, offering, budgeting, debt elimination, saving, investing, diversifying assets, & pursuing entrepreneurial endeavors. Incorporate these into your lifestyle because they help create wealth while you live on this earth. However, intimacy with the LORD Jesus Christ that causes your life to be engulfed by His presence should be pursued first and foremost because it holds promise of the life that now is as well as the life to come. His presence lives in each person who accepts Christ as Savior via the in-filling of the Holy Spirit and leads us into His perfect will for our lives. When we maintain our place in His presence we are powerfully motivated to trust Him in every situation and for insight on the steps forward in this life: from shepherding a church family; to inventing a gadget useful to others; to starting a business; to being a fruitful employee that helps fulfill the LORD's desire for your work.

His presence matures you into the person He wants you to be as you trust and obey His guidance, both written and spoken into you by His Spirit. It brings about the elimination of comparing yourself to other people and competing with their achievements. It helps you take the focus off yourself and place it upon Him, thus giving Him all the glory for what is accomplished. In this regard, be pleased in simply fulfilling His assignments whether you receive accolades or not. Yet, the bible and Christian experience show that God openly rewards and shows off the humble who maintain intimacy with Him and are fruitful.

In His presence you will be motivated in an ever-increasing fashion to utilize biblical financial principles to bring income, assets, relationships, and relationships necessary to help the worldwide church, your local church, and yourself carry out the mission God desires. You will not worry about what others have that you do not have. Neither will you directly pursue material things because you already know prosperity chases the righteous focused on proclaiming His fame throughout the earth. Enough to care for your needs, your family, and be a great blessing to others.

His presence shows it is not all about money though He blesses you and others with it in an abundant fashion because He wants to use you as a vessel to publish the gospel through various forms of communication, strategic alliances, and service to others. Yes, prosperity is in His presence and has great usefulness in the earth as you walk with Him day-by-day. You can have no greater relationship with God than that which comes through accepting Jesus Christ as Savior, however you can have greater fellowship with Him as you cultivate your life daily through worship including thanksgiving, praise, prayer, studying scripture, fellowship with the saints, and service to other people.

Refuse to be a rooster crowing about your early morning prayer or the length of your worship as though these things save you or make you better than others. Never tell other people they must spend as much time as you do or maybe even more in order to please the LORD or be anointed. Do not suppose you know the amount of time God desires others to be in His presence. Simply be sure He is speaking to them and nudging their hearts and wants you to continually encourage them by the example of your life and the non-judgmental motivating words you speak about seeking Him with all their hearts, souls, and strength.

The greatest thing you can do is spend time in His presence and learn to extend that fellowship while you work, serve, play, and rest. When your first love is not Christ and your first priority is not to carry out His will on earth you will likely fail to follow biblical financial principles that prosper, be on the wrong side of eternal judgment, and will not be doing others the great good He desires.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Psalm 23, 1Chronicles 16:27, Matthew 6:33, Hebrews 13:5

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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