Sunday, December 2, 2018

MoneyWalk 460c A Work Plan For The Unemployed

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Spend time fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit in worship via thanksgiving, praise, and prayer petitions to Him to help you find work that provides great income. Never forsake the Church assembly with other believers because, as you share your need/desire with them, they will provide encouragement, uplift, and help.

Augment your physical job search with resume mailing to businesses located in places you can travel to when an interview or job is offered and at which you desire to work due to gifting, talent, skill, etc. Quickly and often follow up with phone calls and visits and do so every few weeks asking to speak with managers who would hire prospective employees and who would be willing to share more about the employer. This shows prospective employers your work ethic, perseverance, and passion that will benefit them.

One of the best ways to find employment is networking with other people. List all your family, friends, and associates in the locations in which you are applying for work and let them know you are out of work and looking for employment. Ask them to put in a kind word for you with their employers and any other business-owners / employers with whom they have rapport. Also, ask if they have insight into job openings and opportunities you could take advantage of. Contacts with people in your network should be made over and over every few weeks until employment is found because you want to keep it foremost in their mind that you are still searching for employment to provide income to help you care for yourself and family.

Look for opportunities to volunteer at churches and charities and do part-time internships / apprenticeships with business. Via computer and mobile phone apps you may be able to do on-line part time contract work (Fiverr, Damongo, Zaarly, TaskRabbit, Upwork, etc.). These opportunities help you sail until you can transfer to a bigger / better ship and they provide networking opportunities for the future.

Unfortunately, some say they aren’t going to work for the little bit someone might pay them for personal services. They remain in financial bondage and suffer because it is never better to sit around doing nothing during the day than to make the few dollars you can doing any type of morally acceptable work. Look for a job like that is a job because this help unearth resources that release you from financial bondage.

When you take reasonable daily steps to find gainful work God will provide helps and tools to get you to your destiny. The determination of how long and how much other people will lend themselves to help you is based on the effort they see you putting into making your situation better. Remember, when an able-body man will not work he is showing that other people should not feed him. So, give those who can help reason to believe you truly desire to be fruitful and profitable.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Genesis 2:15, Proverbs 19:24, Ecclesiastes 11:4-6, Matthew 25:20-21, Luke 19:16-17, Romans 12:6-13

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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