Sunday, December 2, 2018

MoneyWalk 462 Be Ready For Season Changes

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Do not be afraid of seasons and circumstances changing around you. Politicians come into office in a blaze and then are swept out just as quick. Laws get passed that change what we must comply with and sometimes laws get overturned or changed that we thought were best for our nation. Some business people operate in change mode out of godly vision and love for the people they serve while other business people bring about change based on immoral, oppressive, prideful, or greedy objectives. Not to mention that impure motivations we have had from time to time caused someone else to deal with change that wasn’t good for them or us.

God allows men to make trillions of choices each day that interact. You cannot stop change from occurring. What you can and must do is pray activities that would cause negative change be stopped in their tracks and that activities you, society’s appointed leaders, and other people engage would be pure as directed by the heart of God for the betterment of His kingdom and the people you are to affect in this world. Now, put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ to stop worrying about the ultimate outcome of the political race, economic situation, job market, or other change that He might still allow to take place. In this way, you will be free from bondage to negativity that would otherwise immobilize many great opportunities that God wants to bless you with during season changes or storms.

God is more than able to take care of your need according to His riches in glory and will do so when you delight yourself in Him more than anything else. This must be in everlasting covenant with and commitment to God instead of a short-term activity meant to get the goods from Him then return to self-centered ways. Remember, He knows every heart and is the Judge of the motives and intent of every action. Unbelief and disobedience in following His ways will be found out and will ultimately destroy you if not repented of.

The key to peace and joy, financially and in other areas of life, is to recognize that God has not given you a spirit of fear. He has given you power, love, and self-control - The mind of Christ that, when listened to and obeyed, will lead you to follow scriptural principle in every circumstance and area of life. He will also, by the Holy Spirit, teach you to avoid ungodly activities so you can be fruitful in every good work.

Many are the methods that could be given to follow the few principles contained in the bible that describe how we should live and manage money in order to be fruitful. Yet, the most important thing is to seek the Lord with all your heart, asking Him what He specifically wants you to do to serve His kingdom and other people, then start doing it step by step while you also engage the main lifestyle principles He instructed every believer to be engaged in: daily prayer, daily bible reading, weekly fellowship with a family of believers (a local church), serving in the local church and workplace.

Now, mix these elements of a godly life with telling family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and others what Christ means to you and how He changed your life. As you draw closer to Christ doors of opportunity will begin to open for you for evangelism, making disciples of others, and engaging in the ministry for which you are gifted.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Psalm 145:14-15, Proverbs 3:5-15, Philippians 4:16-20, 2Timothy 1:7-8

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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