Have you ever needed carpentry work, but no ability to do it yourself at a level that would be aesthetically pleasing? Have you purchased something only to find out later you paid far more than you had to? Have you needed to set up proper business and personal income recordkeeping and prepare tax returns and realized that much of what you need is beyond your expertise and ability to give much time to figuring out how to be an expert in the accounting field?
Most people experience these types of situations. You do not have to feel as though there is no hope for getting what you need and experiencing the beauty of a great result. Such situations can be remedied by knowing your limitations and finding people who have skills you need to get the job done effectively, efficiently, and sometimes less costly than if you tried to do it. We have sometimes found it beneficial to utilize other people’s skill and give them a chance to hone their skills and earn income even though we could have completed work we needed done. In many instances we paid them more than we could have saved doing it ourselves.
Never become a lazy freeloader or feel as though you are entitled to use other people’s time, expertise, or money at no cost to you. Entitlement is a mental affliction based on pride, arrogance, and covetousness that makes you obnoxious to others. You must do the daily things you need to do to survive, live comfortably, and make a positive impact on others in this world. Slothfulness – the unwillingness to do things you can do within normal daily living parameters and the gifts, calling, and skills the LORD has helped you attain - will make you unable to build the life and financial empire He desires for you.
Now that you’ve decided laziness is off limits, understand that failing to recognize where your skill ends will also cost you a great deal more than it will if you recognize He designed life so other people’s skills can help you and yours help them. There are certain things you know you cannot do effectively (decorating, plumbing, accounting, etc.). Search for someone with requisite expertise who will do a good job and, if necessary, allow you to pay less than normal until you're financially able to pay full price. It is a good practice to get at least three estimates and check each person’s work for former clients to make sure the person you select has a good work history and product. Also, never fail to pay what is due those who help you when it is in the power of your hands to do so. You will experience immense blessing and reward relationally and financially when you engage the practice of using other people’s skills.
Please pray for this ministry, email me with any questions, and contact me to speak at your business or ministry conference or workshop. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!
Exodus 18:18-20, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, Luke 19:13, Luke 5:4-7
Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!
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