Monday, August 19, 2019

MoneyWalk 15 Benefits of Bargaining

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Your ability to save and invest will grow by successfully bargain shopping for lower prices for items you purchase (houses, cars, furniture, jewelry, household utilities, clothing, beauty products, etc.). This consists of finding legal and ethical ways for getting them for a price well below what most people usually pay. You should not be a respecter of persons with the mindset, "give me Gucci or give me death." Also, you must exhibit patience in the process and recognize, when you do not purchase desired items right away, that similar merchandise and great deals will still be available well into the future.

Your mind must be renewed in Christ to realize there are safe, reliable, and valuable items sold in places other than higher cost neighborhoods, stores, designer labels, and name brand sections you’ve selected in the past. For example, household cleanser at dollar stores may be as good as higher cost cleanser purchased at well-known stores and blue jeans can be the same quality no matter which store you purchase them in. that are safe, reliable, and valuable that can meet your need.

Don't waste money for brand name loyalty when you're in a tight squeeze and do not absolutely believe higher prices equates to better quality, service, or reliability. Though there can be differences in quality and service, in many instances the same materials, workmanship, and reliability can be found in similar merchandise with different labels. In order to receive the wealth-building benefit the LORD desires, you must be willing to make some purchases at lower cost stores in which you did not previously shop to see if they have what you need. This will allow you to have greater cash flow for growth investing.

We engage the bargain shopping by doing what is stated above and by:

6. Continually asking the Lord for His blessing in this area.

7. Knowing He desires to bless His people above what our individual incomes can afford.

8. Trusting we don’t necessarily need to always have money on hand to cover all our needs and desires.

9. Becoming knowledgeable about store inventory and clearance practices.

10. Asking for discounts even when price tags don’t show they are available.

The money you keep in your treasury as a result of bargain shopping will make you wealthy over time when you consistently save and invest it over a 10-year or greater time horizon. My wife window shops about twice per week. This allows her to know the original price on items and the discounted price as time moves forward during retailers’ inventory processes. In one instance, for $27 she purchased a pair of curtains with an original price of $90. Two weeks later she was able to get a refund on the curtains because she purchased identical curtains at another store for $1.68. This has been replicated in our lives many times over and has never caused us to live beneath the privilege the LORD desires for us. You too can receive great financial benefits by engaging bargain shopping.

Please pray for this ministry, email me with any questions, and contact me to speak at your business or ministry conference or workshop. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Deuteronomy 28:12, Proverbs 21:20, Luke 16:11, John 10:10

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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