Sunday, February 2, 2020

MoneyWalk 35 Be The Witness God Wants You To Be

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Truly loving people was at times shown by immediately exposing the sinful nature in which particular people were living (i.e., Jesus comment concerning Herod, Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well, Paul dealing with Elymas the sorcerer, and John communicating problems with Diotrephes). I doubt any of these folks thought they were being loved when their sinful activities were exposed, especially in front of other people. Yet, this did not dissuade Jesus or the disciples from doing so when it needed to be done. If the sinners would have an ear to hear they could repent, accept Jesus as Savior & LORD, and by the power of the Holy Spirit turn from their wicked ways in order to live according to His way.

Let’s not forget it is the Holy Spirit who determines what a particular person or group of people need to hear from you. True believers do not hate people who engage sinful acts and we approach them in a loving way in accordance with the design shown in scripture. However, some people will take offense at our gospel communication because needing a Savior & LORD implies they live in sin. Surely, it does just like it does for us prior to being born again, because humanly no one is righteous, no not one. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. As noted above, there are times we directly point out sins people are engaging because per scripture and often by results in their lives we see that sinful activities are causing them and their families harm. Not telling them would be like seeing your best friend drinking poison and refusing to tell him the harm it will bring because you don’t want to control his life or make him think you’re better than him. It would be utter foolishness to not tell him about the poison. Wisdom shows that love would warn him and hope he heeds it so his life is saved and preserved for future fruitfulness.

Certainly, we should not tell him because we better than he is. Rather, we tell him knowing it is Jesus Christ’s righteousness alone that saves us and grants us a place in Heaven and eternity with Him. God forbid that we are always chomping at the bit to expose people’s sins and not recognizing that our righteousness (outside of Christ) is like filthy rags. It seems this type of approach should be used sparingly, if it all, by most believers because the scriptures seem to show it was used sparingly. We simply need to be ready to communicate in this manner when the Holy Spirit leads us to do so. Most of the time our witness should be focused upon Jesus life, ministry, burial, resurrection, and sacrifice that makes for salvation and eternal life for all who call upon His name and the testimony of the ways in which He changes and improves our lives.

We know God will ultimately judge every unrepentant sinner to the eternal damnation he/she has chosen, yet we keep love, hope, and faith alive knowing that everyone who sincerely calls upon the name of the LORD Jesus is saved and will be fruitful in helping fulfill the Great Commission through the agency of his/her life on Earth, prayer, serving, abundant giving, and managing money and resources according to biblical principles, which is the manner that pleases Him.

Please pray for this ministry, email me with any questions, and contact me to speak at your business or ministry conference or workshop. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Luke 13:32, John 4:16-19, Acts 13:8-12, 2John 1:9-12

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