Monday, February 24, 2020

MoneyWalk 38 What Is Your Net Worth?

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The LORD desires that you have a rich spiritual and natural net worth. Believers in Christ already have the most valuable asset because His worth supersedes all other things they could have or experience while leading them to a purpose-filled life on Earth and a blissful heavenly home thereafter. As part of this He wants an extremely positive number to represent your financial net worth, which is calculated by subtracting your debts from your assets. This is achieved by making intimacy with Him the most important aspect of your life that leads to a commitment to do life and finances His way in accordance with His principles.

Tithing and abundant free-will offering in proportion to income and assets He entrusts to you, use of time and talent to help lead people to Him and do good works, working to become debt-free, saving and investing, and diversifying assets play an important part in the process of growing your net worth while showing your number one priority is Him, which includes His will and way of living and managing money. It doesn’t matter if you are currently no, low, middle, or high income you can use His power inside to engage this lifestyle.

In turn, principles and processes that conform to this lifestyle have the power to provide all you need and many things you desire as well as enough left over to do many other good works. As you go beyond paying to provide your need (place to live, food, clothing, transportation, etc.), recognize the market value of furniture, appliances, clothing, tools, cars, and most other goods and services drop in value drastically, starting shortly after you purchase them. In certain neighborhoods and economic situations, the value of houses, commercial buildings, and land could also drop in value as opposed to the usual appreciation in value that takes place over many years of ownership. This reality of the depreciating value of most material things should help you exercise godly wisdom when making purchases and deciding what is truly worthwhile in life.

Don't put all your effort in accumulating money and goods for earthly purposes. They decay, lose value, and have no eternal worth. Rather, as you go about furthering your career, earning greater income, and building assets in this life make sure you also build treasure in Heaven by giving abundantly to spread the gospel and make disciples of other people. The value of this treasure increases throughout eternity and where your treasure is your heart will be also.

The LORD’s greatest aim for you is to seek a more intimate relationship with Him. Through this fellowship He provide blessings and rewards and motivates you to engage financially sound processes in your life based on biblical principles. Bible accounts of patriarch/matriarchs who amassed wealth (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, David, Hezekiah, Joseph of Arimathea, Lydia, and others) clearly show the LORD wants to help you prosper as you engage intimacy with Him and obedience to His will. This will lead you to start and continue using money in ways that truly glorify Him and benefit you and other people.

Please pray for this ministry, email me with any questions, and contact me to speak at your business or ministry conference or workshop. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Matthew 6:33, Mark 10:28-30, Luke 12:21, 32-34, 1Timothy 6:6-19

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